Sunday, June 30, 2019

24 hours, 60m2, 3000 US Dollars

infos wikileaks, Veme Republik


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Press freedom, where to live, invest.

Christianity was framed in the 80s

It is now clear that over half of the priesthood in the US was recruted amongst gay people, then brainwashed with enforced weekly porn sessions, etc...the whole thing ending up in mostly boy abuse. Recrutement was performed using sexy young men. after the recruits ended as priests, bishops, cardinals, the whole saga unravelled to discredit the Catholic church, with Vatican benediction. Catholics reacted, and, allegedly, the situation is back to normal, where priest abuse of children concerns mainly girls, as in society in general, and in same much lesser proportions. It is obvious that this was part of a long term plan to destabilise traditional religions Spiritual piratry.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Pope Benedikt is publishing a comik book re pedophilia. His Holiness is stating that Catholic Priesthood pedophilia is a consequence of 1968 moral fracasso. Very intriguing book since, prior to 68, you could not set foot amongst catho clergy, as a child, without being sexually molested or witnessing their inter peers violence.

vatican trending

Serre couilles, is apparently the latest tech trend to escape divorce and estranged kids pensions. Practitioners enrole in Catholic Priesthood, and remain underground with their peers.

French rep institutions decadence

Apparently, the intellectual level of the French gov, senate, and congres, is so low, that nobody is capable of understanding or producing law.

Monday, June 17, 2019

tension in Hong Kong

Wagner Hertzog Las protestas recientes en Hong Kong - a pesar de haber sufrido la más agresiva represión estatal en dos décadas - lograron impedir al ejecutivo de llevar adelante un proyecto de ley que aprobaba la extradición de individuos a la china continental, donde los mismos quedarían sometidos a las letales arbitrariedades De la legislación dictatorial del partido comunista Carrie Lam - la jefa del ejecutivo de la isla -, que ya ha dado todos los indicios posibles de que es un títere del pcc, afirmó que la decisión de aplazar la implementación de esta ley es sólo temporal. Lamentablemente, la presión del gobierno totalitario de Pekín sobre los territorios autónomos tiende a aumentar. Para Hong Kong, Macao y Taiwán, el terror implacable del despotismo aumenta gradualmente cada día. En estos territorios, la lucha de la libertad contra el totalitarismo político está empezando

re your usual pillage

Possibly not the second one, but a good one

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Violence in Turkey

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

portuguese planet

re financial totalitarism

Sunday, June 9, 2019

lava-jato news

maygate, mayhem

hydrogen car, no emission

Saturday, June 8, 2019

crypto currency for all?

nothing new under the sun


Portugal mayhem

complicando todo for Catalans

Uk not our frriend?

Friday, June 7, 2019

may be Brexit after India payback sorted out.

Brexit might not be the smartest idea, untill the EU have paid back the amount due to India, as sell as cumulated interests and compensation.

profanation of a religious site belonging to the freemasons

Are gilets jaunes really poor?

As an economist, I would say 'NO"; they pay VAT/TVA/consumer tax, as a much higher proportion of their income than the real poor billionaires. But Isch bin kein ekonomist!
France: Stopping paying interest re illegitimate state debt, controling tax evasion, diminishing subventions which end up in tax heavens, and making mega corporations paying average biz tax, can produce instantly 3000 Euuros per year per citizen.It is therefore costless to redirect 10000 Euros per year towards the poorest.

when billions went to Bouygues

Articlle du Canard qui révèle que Macron a préparé la vente d'Alstom à GE pour aider le groupe Bouygues, qui y a récupéré 3,2 milliards d'euros... Tour ça avec la complicité d'un cabinet américain, A.T. Kearney, et de son ex-banque Rothschild

EURO going nowhere

Thursday, June 6, 2019

prince Charlesv re Jews

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Echo studio, Philippe de Bourbon, enjeux de notre époque

re French social collapse

Artificial intelligence

Brazil corruption

debate re gilets jaunes future

a financial scandal growing every minute
China slowing down citizens visits to crime US. POSSIBLY, EU, next. Personal safety concerns.

re how to fight your corner when trapped in judicial mayhem

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Germany becoming dangerous for jews, who also are fleeing Israel

Monday, June 3, 2019

big clean up on the cards, in the US

les bilderberg ont avalé trop de plastik

Selom une récente étude sur les océans.

Israel closing down?

Sunday, June 2, 2019

cashless backlash

mainstre media published EU poll result before voting start

no more petrolio

Seleucido-Roman beaches next summer: toplessness only for all, to diminish health problems.

Skin exposure to sun in moderation, considered to improve health.

retroactive extraterritorial justice

Violence, property invasion and theft might become retroactive crime in new extra territorial justice

european diaspora need to regroup in Hungary, to reconquer Europe

Europeans settled on the various continents outside Europe since the last centuries need to regroup to save the tribe.

part of cost of intentional financial crisis 2008

lending money of the citizen without mandat

guerilla starting in France

Middle class slipping gradually into poverty brings organic strength to the gilets jaunes, who now feel strong enough, and on the ascendant, to start a guerilla.

capitalisme sauvage at its worse

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Trump shutting down Chinese economy.

Trump stopping300 billon Dollars semi conductors anual export to China, bringing their knowledge economy to a halt. The US have the monopoly of quality semi conductors.

projet expropriation immobiliere des Français

team Putin Kadhafi

freemasons excluded from Italian government

muslim areas, no go areas for non muslims

French rev, Napoleon, freemasons