Sunday, September 29, 2019

its about the earth axe shifting, stupid!

Africa versus masoneria

Saturday, September 28, 2019

re climate farce/racket

re EU gestapo lies

EU gestapo attack violently protesters against the clouds

Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019

re Brasil lassitude with south American chienlit
are gilets jaunes an instrument to train humanophobia barbouses, on a large scale.

France is usually used as a preparatory training field by the masonik nomenklatura, since their French revolution project.

re capital predator, dated financial barbouzes, etc...

economy for humans, versus economy to get rid of humans/humanophobia.

re oceans pollution

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

re women alienation by consumerism industry

re rothschild soros masonik metissage of Europe

end of industrial era pillage?

over 110.000 people protestong in France against the masonic order which strangled the industrial age.
high tech age, with its looming autonomous small communities, its open source knowledge, and its quasi costless lifestyle, is bringing an empty basket to the last two centuries type of pillage. Adding to this the trend to convert natural resources into a shared universal human right, even petrol might not be able to be stolen by a few.
interesting moments.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

re permanent chaos

re freemasons

saoudi mystery

may be a way to find out if the saoudi production facilities destruction was an insiders job type 9/11, would be to trace if bets on barril price increase were placed just before the event.

Monday, September 23, 2019

prince of Monaco restauring order

plan anti migration abusive

et cesser de piller l'Afrique

15 trillions story

meeting somebody interesting

good to know

Sunday, September 22, 2019

bilderberg chaos in France. images

re world war project

mass killings

Serbie, entre Empire Gallo Romain et East Scandinavia

weekly mass media blackout

approx 90.000 descendants of Emperor Charlemagne, marched on French streets, protesting against speculators.

voce violinishta?

reign of speculation over human values

90.000 protesters, gilets jaunes, sept 21 2019

from accurate source.

lnfernet 15.000 French responses to question: do you support gilets jaunes? 90% positives.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

affare epstein

natural resources late payment

would be good if emirates, saoudis, US, Norway, Scotland, etc... Started to pass on overdue human rights natural resources money to the rest of the humanosphere.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

doxxing in Hong Kong

alstom gate tells us a number of things

The US have grown too big for their own sake and the rest of humanity.

extraterritorial justice must be answered by international commercial sanctions and severance of diplomatic ties.

selling strategic assets to foreigners must be veversed, an all participants dealt with for high treason and act of terrorism

selling strategic assets needs to require two thirds majority of a permanent commission including members of the public, experts, gov. admin, and political parties.

major media must make space available for the commission to communicate direct with the public.

ministry of defense must answer inquiries by elected people.
ministery of economy and president need a permanent scrutiny by elected people, with on site teams.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jesuits and Kennedy death

re bad bad boys


arabs and muslims do not seem to fit in Syria

vintage cabales

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

enslavement of historical communities

re EU cabaleDear Lord James of Blackheath, Firstly may I congratulate you on this speech you made in the House of Lords on Friday last. To remind everyone, here is the main body of your speech: “My Lords, a week ago, I wrote a letter to the Lord Speaker in which I suggested that in certain circumstances which might occur, such as this morning, the entire House of Lords is ineligible to sit. I do not intend to pursue this point, but I want to explain why it occurs. I think it is important to us. If the Lisbon treaty is allowed to stand and is not wiped away at midnight on 31 October, we are all, every single man jack of us, in breach of our oath on joining this House because we have allowed the omniscience of Parliament to be reduced by the elimination of the veto which was standing in our benefit until the Lisbon treaty. That has far-reaching consequences which go way beyond us and reach into the Palace and the Crown itself. We need to be aware of those implications. If I am right on that assertion—I have taken it to the Table Office and asked it to think about it, so there must be some professional opinions around—then we would be ineligible to sit today, and it would mean that this Bill cannot pass the House. I am not pursuing that. What I am going to say is that I think the basis on which we are going forward from here is wrong because we have a situation in which we are facing a choice between remain, the no-go solution and, as came very much into focus in the latter stages of yesterday, the possible resurrection of the May deal. The May deal and remain both carry the same consequence that they would still leave us in breach of our oath. We need to have our oaths restored to us, which would happen if at midnight on 31 October if the Lisbon treaty was wiped away. The first person we need to be concerned about in that respect is Her Majesty because we have the power of government placed in our hands by the coronation oath which she swore never to diminish, but we have diminished it for her. In those circumstances, do the British public realise they are being asked to consider a situation which might create a position in which Her Majesty would consider it was essential for her to abdicate? If that occurred, would it ever be possible to resurrect the monarch because nobody else could swear the same coronation oath? Let us be realistic about this. My whole criticism of the situation of opposition to no-go at the moment is that we simply have not informed the British public of what is at stake. It goes way beyond this. We have this wonderful paper called Yellowhammer, which tells us all the dreadful things that will happen if we do go no-go. My secretary has an alternative list that I have complied called the Black Vulture, which is my list of the things that people do not know about which will happen if we do not go no deal. The first is the hazard it creates for the Crown. The second is: will somebody please tell us the truth about the European defence union? This is by far the biggest issue facing the British public and they know nothing about it officially. Can we please have a proper account of what it entails? Is it really true that the Government have entered into private agreements with the European Community that they will, on completion of remain or whatever it is to be, transfer to the European Union in Brussels the entire control of our entire fighting forces, including all their equipment? [Laughter.] Noble Lords may jest, but it has been done and they should check it out. It is too important to ignore. We must know the truth of this. We must have it clear for the whole public to know. I believe it is true, and I think we should be told. I understand that it is intended that the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels. I understand that in recent months, we have had a series of people sent from our Armed Forces to create and install the command and control centres to be used for the control of our troops once we have ceased to have any control over their use, application or deployment. It goes beyond this. They are to take control of our intelligence services, the whole core of Five Eyes. They will have MI6 and the Cheltenham monitoring centre, and we will be completely excluded from it under the new arrangements and have no access either to the— (giving way to Lord Blunkett, Labour).”Dear Lord James of Blackheath, Firstly may I congratulate you on this speech you made in the House of Lords on Friday last. To remind everyone, here is the main body of your speech: “My Lords, a week ago, I wrote a letter to the Lord Speaker in which I suggested that in certain circumstances which might occur, such as this morning, the entire House of Lords is ineligible to sit. I do not intend to pursue this point, but I want to explain why it occurs. I think it is important to us. If the Lisbon treaty is allowed to stand and is not wiped away at midnight on 31 October, we are all, every single man jack of us, in breach of our oath on joining this House because we have allowed the omniscience of Parliament to be reduced by the elimination of the veto which was standing in our benefit until the Lisbon treaty. That has far-reaching consequences which go way beyond us and reach into the Palace and the Crown itself. We need to be aware of those implications. If I am right on that assertion—I have taken it to the Table Office and asked it to think about it, so there must be some professional opinions around—then we would be ineligible to sit today, and it would mean that this Bill cannot pass the House. I am not pursuing that. What I am going to say is that I think the basis on which we are going forward from here is wrong because we have a situation in which we are facing a choice between remain, the no-go solution and, as came very much into focus in the latter stages of yesterday, the possible resurrection of the May deal. The May deal and remain both carry the same consequence that they would still leave us in breach of our oath. We need to have our oaths restored to us, which would happen if at midnight on 31 October if the Lisbon treaty was wiped away. The first person we need to be concerned about in that respect is Her Majesty because we have the power of government placed in our hands by the coronation oath which she swore never to diminish, but we have diminished it for her. In those circumstances, do the British public realise they are being asked to consider a situation which might create a position in which Her Majesty would consider it was essential for her to abdicate? If that occurred, would it ever be possible to resurrect the monarch because nobody else could swear the same coronation oath? Let us be realistic about this. My whole criticism of the situation of opposition to no-go at the moment is that we simply have not informed the British public of what is at stake. It goes way beyond this. We have this wonderful paper called Yellowhammer, which tells us all the dreadful things that will happen if we do go no-go. My secretary has an alternative list that I have complied called the Black Vulture, which is my list of the things that people do not know about which will happen if we do not go no deal. The first is the hazard it creates for the Crown. The second is: will somebody please tell us the truth about the European defence union? This is by far the biggest issue facing the British public and they know nothing about it officially. Can we please have a proper account of what it entails? Is it really true that the Government have entered into private agreements with the European Community that they will, on completion of remain or whatever it is to be, transfer to the European Union in Brussels the entire control of our entire fighting forces, including all their equipment? [Laughter.] Noble Lords may jest, but it has been done and they should check it out. It is too important to ignore. We must know the truth of this. We must have it clear for the whole public to know. I believe it is true, and I think we should be told. I understand that it is intended that the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels. I understand that in recent months, we have had a series of people sent from our Armed Forces to create and install the command and control centres to be used for the control of our troops once we have ceased to have any control over their use, application or deployment. It goes beyond this. They are to take control of our intelligence services, the whole core of Five Eyes. They will have MI6 and the Cheltenham monitoring centre, and we will be completely excluded from it under the new arrangements and have no access either to the— (giving way to Lord Blunkett, Labour).”

Dear Lord James of Blackheath,
Firstly may I congratulate you on this speech you made in the House of Lords on Friday last.
To remind everyone, here is the main body of your speech:
“My Lords, a week ago, I wrote a letter to the Lord Speaker in which I suggested that in certain circumstances which might occur, such as this morning, the entire House of Lords is ineligible to sit. I do not intend to pursue this point, but I want to explain why it occurs. I think it is important to us.
If the Lisbon treaty is allowed to stand and is not wiped away at midnight on 31 October, we are all, every single man jack of us, in breach of our oath on joining this House because we have allowed the omniscience of Parliament to be reduced by the elimination of the veto which was standing in our benefit until the Lisbon treaty. That has far-reaching consequences which go way beyond us and reach into the Palace and the Crown itself. We need to be aware of those implications. If I am right on that assertion—I have taken it to the Table Office and asked it to think about it, so there must be some professional opinions around—then we would be ineligible to sit today, and it would mean that this Bill cannot pass the House. I am not pursuing that.
What I am going to say is that I think the basis on which we are going forward from here is wrong because we have a situation in which we are facing a choice between remain, the no-go solution and, as came very much into focus in the latter stages of yesterday, the possible resurrection of the May deal. The May deal and remain both carry the same consequence that they would still leave us in breach of our oath. We need to have our oaths restored to us, which would happen if at midnight on 31 October if the Lisbon treaty was wiped away.
The first person we need to be concerned about in that respect is Her Majesty because we have the power of government placed in our hands by the coronation oath which she swore never to diminish, but we have diminished it for her. In those circumstances, do the British public realise they are being asked to consider a situation which might create a position in which Her Majesty would consider it was essential for her to abdicate? If that occurred, would it ever be possible to resurrect the monarch because nobody else could swear the same coronation oath? Let us be realistic about this. My whole criticism of the situation of opposition to no-go at the moment is that we simply have not informed the British public of what is at stake. It goes way beyond this.
We have this wonderful paper called Yellowhammer, which tells us all the dreadful things that will happen if we do go no-go. My secretary has an alternative list that I have complied called the Black Vulture, which is my list of the things that people do not know about which will happen if we do not go no deal. The first is the hazard it creates for the Crown. The second is: will somebody please tell us the truth about the European defence union? This is by far the biggest issue facing the British public and they know nothing about it officially. Can we please have a proper account of what it entails? Is it really true that the Government have entered into private agreements with the European Community that they will, on completion of remain or whatever it is to be, transfer to the European Union in Brussels the entire control of our entire fighting forces, including all their equipment? [Laughter.] Noble Lords may jest, but it has been done and they should check it out. It is too important to ignore. We must know the truth of this. We must have it clear for the whole public to know. I believe it is true, and I think we should be told. I understand that it is intended that the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels. I understand that in recent months, we have had a series of people sent from our Armed Forces to create and install the command and control centres to be used for the control of our troops once we have ceased to have any control over their use, application or deployment. It goes beyond this. They are to take control of our intelligence services, the whole core of Five Eyes. They will have MI6 and the Cheltenham monitoring centre, and we will be completely excluded from it under the new arrangements and have no access either to the— (giving way to Lord Blunkett, Labour).”

to do list

rescue bankrupt middle east guard dogs saoudis.
bring chaos into Iran. Easy pitch against iuninvited mollahs in Persia.

chine trying to get their turkik fifth column into savvy yourape

Monday, September 16, 2019

re EU ongoing farce

exitng the madness

The Bruges Group

I passionately believe that I can strike a Brexit deal within weeks
Despite the Remainer attempt to crush Brexit, I am working flat out to ensure we leave on October 31
Let us be in no doubt as to what has really happened in Parliament in the last couple of weeks. Let there be no ambiguity about the underlying motive. A large number of MPs – though by no means all – are simply trying to crush Brexit. In spite of all that they promised – and voted for – they just want to stop this country from ever leaving the European Union.
This isn’t about trying to block a so-called “no deal” Brexit. Any such claim is utterly disingenuous. It’s about trying to stop Brexit from happening at all – and the opposition parties have emerged in their true anti-democratic colours. They are united in wanting to cancel the referendum result – Labour, SNP, Lib Dems – and overturn the will of the people. They are so desperate to get round the electorate that they will not even agree to an election. They have turned it down twice. Why?
I am afraid there is only ever one explanation for such hesitation. They fear they would lose. So instead they have engineered this country’s biggest ever exercise in pointless parliamentary procrastination. They hope that Brexit can be somehow delayed beyond Oct 31, and that the calls for a second referendum will (so they deceive themselves) become overwhelming, and Brexit would be at least temporarily abandoned.
I believe they are making a huge mistake. It is not just a question of the extra dither and delay – more long months of rancour and division, and all at huge expense in payments to Brussels. It is worse than that. This is about democracy. The people of this country were asked to vote on whether they wanted to stay in the EU, or leave. It was right and proper that they should be asked. After more than 40 years of membership, the EU has avowedly morphed into something very different from the proposition of the mid-Seventies.
It has become a political union, with a conscious and self-proclaimed ambition to take ever more powers to central federal institutions in Brussels, and to build a European political “identity”. Naturally, there will be many who regard this project as a high ideal. But as a system of government, it is – even according to its supporters – remote, bureaucratic, costly, opaque and its signature economic project, the euro, has had harsh consequences for many member states.
When the British people were asked to vote on their future in this steadily federalising body, they thought hard. When they voted, it was the biggest exercise in democracy this country has ever seen. If that result is now cancelled, it will be telling the people that their votes don’t count. It will be telling them that if they decide on a course of which the establishment disapproves, then they will be fobbed off for three and a half years, and then contradicted. We are witnessing an attempt to humiliate the verdict of the nation.
As for the impact of these parliamentary manoeuvres upon our friends in the rest of the EU – the Surrender Act is of course making any Brexit deal harder to achieve. That is because the very purpose of the Act is to weaken the UK’s negotiating hand in Brussels, and to give crucial cards to the EU. There has been nothing like it in history. The intention of the Act is to force the UK prime minister to go to Brussels and beg to stay in beyond Oct 31; and – incredibly – it would in practice allow the EU to decide how long the UK should remain locked in.
Leaving aside any real and practical consequences, its effect is completely contrary to the UK’s interests – because it has at least given the impression to our partners that the UK is no longer either fully able or determined to leave on Oct 31.
In so far as that impression has been given, it is wrong. We will leave by that date – deal or no deal. Yes, it may now be harder to get a deal, since MPs seem set on tying the Government’s hand behind its back. But we are working flat out to get one.
If we can make enough progress in the next few days, I intend to go to that crucial summit on Oct 17, and finalise an agreement that will protect the interests of business and citizens on both sides of the Channel, and on both sides of the border in Ireland. I believe passionately that we can do it, and I believe that such an agreement is in the interests not just of the UK but also of our European friends.
We have all spent too long on this question. And if we can get that deal, then of course there will be time for Parliament to scrutinise and approve it before the end of October. But be in no doubt that if we cannot get a deal – the right deal for both sides – then the UK will come out anyway. It is not and never has been the outcome that I want, but our preparations are by now very extensive. Yes, there may be difficulties ahead, but we will overcome them all. Recent reports reflect a very worst case scenario for which officials are obliged to plan, and we have made huge progress in dealing with those issues. We are confident, and we will be ready.
And then we will be able to put this whole divisive debate behind us, and get on with uniting the country and unleashing its talents. We will get on with cutting crime, and investing in hospitals, and in our schools, and we will finally be able to take advantage of Brexit.
We will be able to do things differently, and in the interests of the UK economy – from launching free ports to cutting VAT on sanitary products; from a points-based migration system to new tax breaks for capital investment; from new global free trade agreements to banning shark fin soup and the cruel export of live animals.
What on earth is the point of any further delay? Jeremy Corbyn would keep us in at a cost of £250 million a week. That’s enough to build a new hospital – pointlessly blown on the EU. It’s madness. Let’s end the wrangling, get this thing done, and set this country on a brighter, more cheerful, more confident and more global path – and let’s come out of the EU on Oct 31.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

re delightful French culture

occupation and resistance. France nowadays.

occupation: 10% of the French who voted for macron
resistance: 10% of the French declare themselves "gilets jaunes".

when it gets too much

Friday, September 13, 2019

francophone capital

Danico Kalombo
KINSHASA Est la première ville francophone du monde devant PARIS. Question : quel en est le bénéfice ? Quelle est la plus grande ville francophone du monde ? Paris ? Vous n'y êtes pas. Montréal ? Bruxelles ? Encore moins. Non, la bonne réponse est Kinshasa, en République démocratique du Congo. La Ville lumière figure désormais à la deuxième place de ce classement, devant Abidjan, Montréal, Casablanca, Yaoundé, Douala, Antananarivo, Dakar et Alger, pour ne citer que les dix premières. "Dans son rapport "Les villes du monde en 2016", l'ONU indique que Kinshasa comptait 12,1 millions d'habitants au 1er juillet 2016, soit davantage que l'agglomération parisienne, estimée à 10,9 millions", précise Ilyes Zouari, le président du Centre d'étude et de réflexion sur le monde francophone (CERMF).
C'est le fait majeur de l'histoire du français de ces dernières années et il est largement passé inaperçu : la France est devenue minoritaire dans le monde francophone. Et le mouvement ne fait que commencer. Dans quelques décennies, 70 % des locuteurs de notre langue vivront en Afrique et moins de 20 % en Europe. Bien sûr, on peut pinailler en contestant la fiabilité des recensements et en se demandant si l'appellation "locuteur du français" doit être réservée à ceux qui pratiquent cette langue au quotidien de manière aisée ou élargie ou toute personne capable de soutenir une conversation simple de temps en temps. Mais cela ne modifie qu'à la marge le constat : les Français n'ont plus le monopole du français.
Faut-il s'en inquiéter ? Sûrement pas ! En fait, ce retournement traduit l'incroyable succès de ce qui n'était au haut Moyen Age qu'une forme de bas latin parmi d'autres et qui, au fil des siècles, a fini par s'étendre sur la planète entière. Cela vaut mieux, beaucoup mieux, que de faire partie des 2 000 langues qui, par les hasards de l'histoire et des rapports de force, risquent d'avoir disparu d'ici à la fin du siècle.
En revanche, il est clair que nous allons devoir abandonner certaines de nos postures traditionnelles. Et ce pour une raison simple : le français n'appartient pas seulement à ses écrivains, à ses enseignants, ni même à ses académiciens, mais à l'ensemble de ses locuteurs. Aussi notre idiome va-t-il nécessairement s'ouvrir davantage au vocabulaire des autres pays de la francophonie. Dans quelque temps, nous utiliserons peut-être le suisse agender (noter un rendez-vous), le québécois divulgâcher ("spoiler"), l'antillais maman-violon (violoncelle), le haïtien bêtiser ou le wallon avant-midi. Et nous puiserons, je l'espère, dans l'exceptionnel lexique venu d'Afrique. Personnellement, j'ai un faible pour le sénégalais camembérer (sentir mauvais des pieds), le tchadien cadeauter (ou cadonner), le camerounais motamoter (réciter mot à mot des phrases de manière mécanique, sans comprendre ce que l'on dit) ou le congolais deuxième bureau (maîtresse).
Il semble acquis en tout cas que l'origine de la norme va se déplacer, quitter les rives de la Seine et s'ouvrir au vaste monde, sachant qu'il s'agit là d'un enrichissement et non d'une perte. Comme le souligne le linguiste Bernard Cerquiglini, "la norme ne doit pas être un corset, mais un creuset. Il faut penser une francophonie de l'élan, non du purisme". Une invitation à la variante, à l'hybridation, à la bigarrure, tous procédés qui, bien pensés, constituent une formidable manière de galvaniser encore un français qui n'a jamais aussi bien porté son nom de langue vivante.

Today at 9:32 AM ·



Wednesday, September 11, 2019

why western moral collapse

Pédomanie dans l’Église : Benoît XVI remet quelques pendules à l’heure

giulio napolitano / Shutterstock

Valérie Lafont
Bien loin des flonflons auxquels essaie de nous habituer l’actuel occupant du siège de Pierre, le Pape émérite Benoît XVI publie un texte dans la revue chrétienne allemande Klerusblatt dans lequel il rappelle avec des mots droits, forts et clairs, les véritables causes principales des agissements criminels de certains membres du clergé.
Dans ce texte, Benoît XVI renvoie la cause de la pédocriminalité à « l’absence de Dieu » et au changement dans la morale sexuelle à partir des années 1960. La « révolution de 68 », affirme-t-il, a fait de la pédophilie quelque chose de « permis et d’approprié ». « Pourquoi la pédophilie a-t-elle atteint de telles proportions ? En fin de compte, la raison en est l’absence de Dieu », écrit-il. Car « un monde sans Dieu ne peut être qu’un monde dépourvu de sens » et donc « sans notion de bien et de mal ».
Le pape émérite allemand accuse un courant de la théologie catholique d’avoir introduit dans l’Eglise une forme de relativisme moral en affirmant qu’il « ne pouvait y avoir quoi que ce soit d’absolument bon, ni quoi que ce soit d’absolument mauvais, mais seulement des appréciations relatives ». Ces théoriciens auraient mis « radicalement en question l’autorité de l’Eglise dans le domaine moral » et provoqué « un effondrement » de son enseignement moral. Il affirme que Jean Paul II avait vertement réagi à cette tendance en 1993 par son encyclique Veritatis Splendor.
Cet affaissement de la moralité dans l’Eglise aurait eu des implications directes dans la formation et la vie des prêtres. Dans certains séminaires, « des cliques homosexuelles » se seraient formées.
Cette atmosphère aurait favorisé le développement de la pédocriminalité qui, affirme l’ancien pontife, « est devenue brûlante seulement à partir de la seconde moitié des années 1980 ».
Et la conclusion de Benoît XVI est d’une force toute apostolique :
Cette crise « pousse à considérer d’emblée l’Eglise comme quelque chose de mal réussi que nous devons résolument prendre nous-mêmes en main et former d’une manière nouvelle, affirme-t-il. Mais une Eglise faite par nous ne peut représenter aucune espérance. »« Il est très important d’opposer aux mensonges et aux demi-vérités du diable toute la vérité : oui, dans l’Eglise, il y a le péché et le mal. Mais aujourd’hui aussi, il y a l’Eglise sainte qui est indestructible. »
Cette publication vient à point pour nous rappeler à quel point le pape Benoît nous manque. Qu’il soit assuré de nos prières.

empires at war

Mohamed Traoré
le 11 sept2011 était un complot Américano - anglo -sioniste pour saper l'image de l'islam dans le monde.Les faits sont reveles et ce n'est pas un secret de polichinelle.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

all businesses need to pay taxes.

demission chef des armées?

increasing shortages in sovietik EU

jobs, education, security, and now medicines;

Monday, September 9, 2019

you are not guilty

Maurice Gosseaume
C’est bien la raison pour laquelle le mondialisme laïcard détruit l’image de la chrétienté, afin d’imposer la sienne
Comment le cerveau refuse de changer d’opinion politique.
Une étude californienne montre que lorsque ses opinions politiques sont remises en question, le cerveau déclenche une réaction de résistance, de défense, comme s’il s’agissait d’une croyance religieuse.
« Tu n’écoutes rien, tu restes campé sur tes positions ! » vous assène votre beau-frère, lors d’une discussion politique dans un repas de famille ?
Répondez « Ce n’est pas ma faute, c’est mon cerveau », et vous aurez raison !
En effet, une étude de l’Institut du cerveau et créativité de l’université de Californie du Sud (Los Angeles) publiée dans Nature, l’affirme : le cerveau s’accroche à ses croyances politiques contre vents et marées
Au final, « les croyances politiques sont comme les croyances religieuses, dans le sens où elles font toutes deux parties de qui vous êtes et importantes pour le cercle social auquel vous appartenez », souligne Jonas Kaplan. «

la vraie France

cash rules

changing world

EU gravy train

Sunday, September 8, 2019

brilliant British gentlemen do exist

richissime Africa showing the door to uninviteds.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

incitation to the return of death penalty

Matthew Gotham > ‎The Bruges Group
Paywalled, but here's the crucial quote: "The Times understands that senior figures behind the bill to force an extension on Boris Johnson cleared their plan with EU capitals before it was published this week. They received reassurances that the European Council, which is made up of EU leaders, would not stand in the way of one final extension if it was approved by parliament."

Friday, September 6, 2019

Euro fringe loosing the plot

Schengen space might be closed to countres refusing human trafficking. Great news for decent people!

France descending into chaos

abandonned France

au premier trimestre de cette année la consommation des ménages a baissé de moitié en comparaison du dernier trimestre 2017.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

right size for a succesful community

you wish to know more where your money disappear?

re brexit

James Edward Caulfield > ‎The Bruges Group
Things are not looking good at the moment. The media is in control of the narrative and Mr Corbyn is having a field day.
A general election is needed and it is needed soon but even if secured we need to be realistic. The damage done to UK democracy by the remain campaign, assisted by the media and EU grandees, will not be repaired overnight.
Many of us have had to endure strains in relationships with friends and relatives that may or may not be eased over time.
In this forum we can discuss and debate openly, but hopefully with courtesy.
The common factor is that we want to leave the EU.
Britain Exits the EU = Brexit
There were no caveats in the referendum, we were simply asked if we wished to leave or remain. The risks of leaving were made clear but the majority of the electorate said we would accept the risks and voted to leave.
In accepting the risks we accepted a responsibility to mitigate those risks. Ignoring them is not sensible. I believe that how we mitigate those risks should be decided in the UK Parliament not in the Brussels commission. The deal offered to Mrs May was a Brussels solution and thus unacceptable to me.
Leaving the EU without mitigation in place is a risky strategy but remaining in the EU will bind us into a federation that will be harder to escape in years to come. So in the equation Mr Johnson has resolved that leaving now will cause some damage but it is damage that can be repaired. We go now or risk damage to the UK through the Lisbon Treaty that would be greater than the damage caused by leaving. In other words he has accepted the risk, he has tried to mitigation but in the end the choice is leave or remain and we voted to leave.
Democratically the only way he can now achieve his goal is through a General Election that will,we hope, give him a significant majority. With that majority he can remove the amendments placed by the remain campaigners and he can negotiate with the EU from a position of strength. The reality is that he is up against the clock. He promised to take the UK out by the 31st October. The current legislation being pushed through by the opposition will make that very difficult to fulfil. If it were me I would urge him to abandon any attempt to renegotiate and concentrate on legislation ensuring we can leave without a deal on the 31st. It is reckless but he has embarked on a reckless strategy and it would be foolish to try and reign in now. He is in this to win and the stakes are high.
Above all however we need to support each other. We need to be able to go out to our places of work, our homes, families friends and offer words of wisdom that will encourage them to vote in the GE and vote for leave.
In stormy waters we need to reef sails and baton down hatches not hoist full sail. We are in stormy waters and need to trust the man at the helm can keep the ship afloat.
All hands on deck in a common purpose of preparing for the General Election, how can we win people round to voting for leave candidates, how can we manage things so that those leave votes are not split. How can we ensure that the helmsman will be given the support needed to turn the ship into better weather.
We all want to leave the EU let us brace ourselves for the hurricane that is coming, even though we are exhausted from the storm currently raging but with each others support we will open a bottle or two of champagne in calmer weather in months to come.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

huge scandal: three German youngsters locked up in france reich with covil rights denied.

France has ceased to be governed. A parallel society has taken over, with dire consequences.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Carolingian Monarchy today. Europe.

fab real people networks

pillage de la France ett de l'Afrique

Marcelin Mariko > ‎La puissance Russe
LA FRANCE PAYS DES DIEUX DE L'AFRIQUE : Et oui ! C'EST pas de l'intoxication ,la France a réellement le droit de mort à cette été encore sur ses anciennes colonies, le droit de viole,le droit de vole,le droit de pillages,La France esclavagistes detient encore , encore des colonies aux yeux et aux sus L'ONU responsable , mais incompétente et incompétente .Lisez bien notre cher , frère .

Bloom Téransky Maruis > ‎Un Monde sans frontières
Des affaires qui ternissent l'image de la France en Afrique
🔴Flash : Colonisation🇲🇫, voles, viole, pillages des resources minières, répressions politiques, mépris, dictature à haut niveau, coups d'états, des guerres repetitives, actes négrophobies, scandales sexuelles sont les oeuvres disant même les actions de la France en Afrique. La France, celle qui tue en toutes impunités le peuple africain, (Centrafricain) et qui se croit propriétaire d'un continent noir, africain.
La France n'a pas ses limites dans les pillages de resources minières, dans ses crimes de guerres, crimes contre l'humanité, contre le peuple africain, crimes économiques en afrique, en Centrafrique, ce pays qui a souffert (de tout les maux qui ne peuvent êtres expliquer) et qui continue de souffrir les injustices causée par la même France, qui se dise démocratique, de droits de l'homme.
Alors qu'en réalité, elle ne l'a jamais été une fois. Si on regarde bien son passé coloniale manifesté jusqu'à ce jour, ce que la France du Général deGaulle, de Pompidou, Giscard D'ESTAING, de François Mitterrand, Jacques Chirac, de Sarkozy, de François Hollande ainsi celle que nous connaissons aujourd'hui fait aux autres nations, en détruisant leurs pays, laissant en abondant des enfants orphelins qui n'ont aucun repères, des familles entièrement détruites par des guerres religieuses, politiques, éthnie etc. On ne devrait pas même dire que ce pays, la France est un modèle à donner comme exemple, celui de droits de l'homme, mais plutôt des gaulois sanguinaires comme les français le clament haut et fort !, des vikings buveurs de sangs, qui tuaient et qui continuent de tuer sans âmes, sans consciences, qui se glorifient toujours dans leurs œuvres les plus fou, destructives.
Pourquoi tant de haine envers la communauté NOIR ? envers le peuple centrafricain qui n'en veut plus de cette France merdique.
Envers les pays de Malgreb, SUBSARAHEIN.
Depuis Barthélemy Bonganda, Jean bedel Bokassa, David Dacko en passant par André kolingba, Patassé, Bozizé jusqu'à celui d aujourd'hui que le peuple centrafricain à désigner (pour remettre en bon état un pays que la France a mis en ruine), le peuple noir dans son ensemble a pris conscience de son avenir, après avoir été enchaîné 400 ans sans avoir goûter à la liberté, cette liberté que Dieu a donné à chaque être humain sur cette terre.
Le peuple noir doit forger son épée guerrière pour aller au bon combat, combat de la liberté.
Il est vrai que ce combat doit se faire que si nous, nous unissons tous nos forces et nous mettons tous d'accord on disant Non ! à ces pays, comme la France qui veulent continuer de nous dominer, comme dans le passé.
Chers frères, sœurs; cela fait plusieurs siècles que bon nombre de pays ont pris leur indépendance. À quand allons nous avoir notre véritable indépendance ? pas celle que le colon nous a donné sur le papier, mais celle que nos ancêtres l'avaient avant. Allons l'arraché au prix de nos efforts. Allons prendre la véritable indépendance véritable politique, monétaire, économique, culturelle etc.. Afin que les futures générations africaines puissent vivre dignement comme tout peuple qui vit sur cette terre.
Voyez les images ci-dessous, images dégradantes du peuple noir qui ne veulent pas se battre pour avoir sa propre dignité. Des images qui font honte à notre humanité, à notre civilisation, à nôtre existence en tant que peuple noir, africain, en tant que être humain vivant depuis le fondement de notre berceau.
Nous les africains qui avions nos civilisations connues par tout les historiens nous étions respectés. Mais aujourd'hui ? Ces images honteuses que nous donnons aux yeux du monde ne font que nous rabaisser. On y voit ici un africain marché à côté de son maître colon, celui qui traitait nos ancêtres comme des animaux sauvages fermés dans les zoos.
Les images ci-dessous ne sont pas celles d'Afrique puissant, mais d'une France omniprésente aux côtés de ces dirigeants qu'elle même a mis au pouvoir et non par un peuple africain. Car tout nos dirigeants ont été formés instruire en occident, comme des officiers nègres formés à l'époque coloniale pour être aux services du maître colon blanc et qui se mettaient autrefois à fouetter leurs propres frères, esclaves.
Voyez-vous la première image le Général deGaulle ce pantin des américains accompagné par un député de la République française, sachant que ce député est noir et appartenait au Royaume du Congo; celui-ci est Barthélémy Bonganda fondateur de la République centrafricaine, qui aurait été tuer dans un attentat à la bombe sous l'ordre du Général Degaulle. Tuer à cause de ses idéologies, de ses positions vis-à-vis des gaulois français, alors que lui était pour le panafricanisme.
Dans la seconde image à droite; vous connaissez sûrement Giscard D'ESTAING avec les histoires de diamants qui hantai l'Élysée à l'époque. Si vous avez lu certains livres ou voir des documents concernant l'affaire de diamants de Jean bedel Bokassa, que bokassa lui même a remis en main propre à son homologue, (des diamants tachés de sangs), à celui qui va plutard le renverser. Il s'agit bien de cette image capturée par les photographes de cette époque..
D'après certain article, Jean Bedel Bokassa aurait remis des diamants à Giscard D'ESTAING en signe de remerciement pour le soutien de la France à son régime despotique, qu'a connu le peuple centrafricain.
Il n'y a pas que cet affaire de diamants qui ébranle la Franc'afrique et qui continue de nuire l'image de la France. D'après les images ci-dessous, Giscard D'ESTAING aurait même couché avec l'une des femmes de Bokassa. Certaines informations nous rapporte que la femme dont vous voyez en image est celle qu'a connu le président français, laquelle aurait été enceinté par ce dernier, puis avorter selon l'ordre venant de Jean bedel Bokassa, qui aurait demander par peur de perdre son pouvoir, à son entourage d'étouffer l'affaire sale.
Autre image est celle de ange Félix Patasse renversé en 2003 pour avoir chasser l'armée française de la Centrafrique et se tourner vers le colonel Kadhafi. Patassé n'avait n'a pas été aimé par son peuple, qui a toutefois connu trois mutineries et des coups d'états à répétitions.
Le General Bozizé est connu pour avoir gifler un officier français, à l'époque ou Jean bedel Bokassa était encore au pouvoir. C'est lui bokassa qui d'ailleurs va élever François Bozizé au grade supérieur des officiers militaire.. C'est ce même Bozizé qui est à l'origine de la chute d'ange Félix Patasse.
En 2003, lorsque Bozizé est arrivé au pouvoir, il s'est rendu à Paris pour demander l'aide de la France, mais les aides insuffisantes, Bozizé se voit décider de tourner vers la Russie et vers la Chine pour l'exploitation des uraniums, (dont l'entreprise d'areva et certaines entreprises américaines demandaient le contrôle bref) ..ainsi que d'autres resources minières pour la construction des infrastructures et le paiement des arriérés de salaires etc..
Cet affaire d'accords entre la Centrafrique et les deux grandes puissances, la Russie et la Chine va conduit Bozizé en exil.
Paris décide d'intervenir aux côtés des rebelles dont la grande majorité sont des Nigerians, des Tchadiens et des soudanais qui s'étaient aller épauler quelques petits groupes de l'opposition Centrafricaine
Aujourd'hui la Centrafrique à élu un autre homme politique Archange Faustin Touadera qui a surpris toute la classe politique Centrafricaine en remportant les élections dès le premier tour..
Archange Touadera n'a pas seulement surpris la classe politique Centrafricaine, mais également ceux qui l'ont accompagné durant ses compagnes électoraux, à savoir les États-Unis, qui sont surpris de le voir tourner vers la Russie et la Chine. Puisqu'il n y avait pas possibilités de rompt les accords déjà signés.
Ce dernier aurait même signer un accord de défense militaire avec la Russie et des accords commerciaux avec la Chine.
L'avant dernière image ci-dessous n'est que l'une des preuves du viol de l'armée française commis sur les petites filles Centrafricaines..
On y reviendra là dessus.

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re monarchy

Akhilesh Pillalamarri
June 24, 2014

The institution of monarchy has been back in the news lately, with the abdication of the erstwhile Spanish king Juan Carlos I and the ascension of his son, Felipe (Philip) VI. Elsewhere in the world, monarchies still make the news and shape events in places as far apart as Thailand, Bhutan, Belgium, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia. To many contemporary readers, monarchies seem to be purposeless antiquated relics, anachronisms that ought to eventually give way to republics.
On the contrary, nothing can be farther from the truth. Monarchies have an extremely valuable role to play, even in the 21st century. If anything their number should be added to rather than subtracted from. To understand why, it is important to consider the merits of monarchy objectively without resorting to the tautology that countries ought to be democracies because they ought to be democracies.
There are several advantages in having a monarchy in the 21st century. First, as Serge Schmemann argues in The New York Times, monarchs can rise above politics in the way an elected head of state cannot. Monarchs represent the whole country in a way democratically elected leaders cannot and do not. The choice for the highest political position in a monarchy cannot be influenced by and in a sense beholden to money, the media, or a political party.
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Secondly and closely related to the previous point is that in factitious countries like Thailand, the existence of a monarch is often the only thing holding the country back from the edge of civil war. Monarchs are especially important in multiethnic countries such as Belgium because the institution of monarchy unites diverse and often hostile ethnic groups under shared loyalty to the monarch instead of to an ethnic or tribal group. The Habsburg dynasty held together a large, prosperous country that quickly balkanized into almost a dozen states of no power without it. If the restoration of the erstwhile king of Afghanistan, Zahir Shah, widely respected by all Afghans, went through after the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001, perhaps Afghanistan would have more quickly risen above the factionalism and rivalry between various warlords.
Third, monarchies prevent the emergence of extreme forms of government in their countries by fixing the form of government. All political leaders must serve as prime ministers or ministers of the ruler. Even if actual power lies with these individuals, the existence of a monarch makes it difficult to radically or totally alter a country’s politics. The presence of kings in Cambodia, Jordan, and Morocco holds back the worst and more extreme tendencies of political leaders or factions in their countries. Monarchy also stabilizes countries by encouraging slow, incremental change instead of extreme swings in the nature of regimes. The monarchies of the Arab states have established much more stable societies than non-monarchic Arab states, many of which have gone through such seismic shifts over the course of the Arab Spring.
Fourth, monarchies have the gravitas and prestige to make last-resort, hard, and necessary decisions — decisions that nobody else can make. For example, Juan Carlos of Spain personally ensured his country’s transition to a constitutional monarchy with parliamentary institutions and stood down an attempted military coup. At the end of the Second World War, the Japanese Emperor Hirohito defied his military’s wish to fight on and saved countless of his people’s lives by advocating for Japan’s surrender.
Fifth, monarchies are repositories of tradition and continuity in ever changing times. They remind a country of what it represents and where it came from, facts that can often be forgotten in the swiftly changing currents of politics.
Finally, rather counterintuitively, monarchies can serve up a head of state in a more democratic and diverse way than actual democratic politics. Since anyone, regardless of their personality or interests, can by accident of birth become a monarch, all types of people may become rulers in such a system. The head of state may thus promote causes or stir interest in issues and topics that would otherwise not be significant, as Prince Charles’ views on architecture prove. Politicians on the other hand, tend to have a certain personality — they are generally extroverted, can make or raise money, and have a tendency to pander or at least publicly hold to pre-defined mainstream views. The presence of a head of state with a psychological profile different from a politician can be refreshing.
Most of the criticisms of monarchy are no longer valid today, if they were ever valid. These criticisms are usually some variation of two ideas. Firstly, the monarch may wield absolute power arbitrarily without any sort of check, thus ruling as a tyrant. However, in present era, most monarchies rule within some sort of constitutional or traditional framework which constrains and institutionalizes their powers. Even prior to this, monarchs faced significant constraints from various groups including religious institutions, aristocracies, the wealthy, and even commoners. Customs, which always shape social interactions, also served to restrain. Even monarchies that were absolute in theory were almost always constrained in practice.
A second criticism is that even a good monarch may have an unworthy successor. However, today’s heirs are educated from birth for their future role and live in the full glare of the media their entire lives. This constrains bad behavior. More importantly, because they have literally been born to rule, they have constant, hands-on training on how to interact with people, politicians, and the media.
In light of the all the advantages of monarchy, it is clear why many citizens of democracies today have an understandable nostalgia for monarchy. As in previous centuries, monarchy will continue to show itself to be an important and beneficial political institution wherever it still survives.

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Monday, September 2, 2019

guerilla in France

Maurice Gosseaume
De Dolorès Barandiaran
Le Figaro nous informe que chaque jour, 110 dépositaires de l’autorité sont agressés et que cette violence au quotidien a atteint un niveau historique ! Et j’en passe...
Cependant ces nouvelles ne font que refléter l’offensive générale contre notre pays et ses institutions, notre société et la civilisation européenne !
Ce qui frappe, c’est la multiplicité, la puissance et la convergence actuelles de ces attaques, que ce soit conscient et délibéré ou non !
Cette offensive ne trouve en face d’elle que faiblesse, soumission mais surtout complicité sous la pression des forces mondialistes et hyper libérales de la gauche et de l’extrême gauche et du pouvoir actuel ! Menaces et attaques généralisées...
Le grand remplacement est à l’œuvre...
L’invasion migratoire persiste et s’amplifie...
L’immigration clandestine, du fait des difficultés de l’éloignement des déboutés de l’asile et de la pression continue et provocatrice des associations, s’avère prégnante ! Les autorités refusent toute évaluation ! Mais on sait que dans le 93, où l’Etat ne contrôle plus les flux de population, le chiffre du stock de clandestins est estimé entre 150 000 et 400 000 ... sur un seul département ! L’action médiatisée des ONG esclavagistes provoque et impose de manière obsessionnelle, des flux de faux réfugiés, comme dans le cas de l’Aquarius et de SOS Méditerranée !
La France est occupée et en cours d’islamisation...
Depuis des années se sont créées des zones interdites à l’Etat français et aux forces de police ! Désormais, c’est la charia et le voile, instrument de provocation, qui y règnent ! Depuis peu, c’est le port du burkini dans les piscines publiques qui est le vecteur de cette oppression culturelle ! On sent venir le moment où des mutawas passeront sur les plages pour imposer leur code vestimentaire ! Dans un ou deux ans peut-être ?
Hollande a parlé de partition ! Aujourd’hui, ça va plus loin ! Que ce soit face à Finkelkraut, à Roissy ou au Panthéon, le cri de la guerre des migrants islamisés est « la France est à nous, nous sommes chez nous » !
Et puis, il y a chaque semaine ces incendies d’église comme à Saint Sulpice, ces profanations de cimetières dont on ne trouve jamais les coupables ! La guérilla est pratiquement devenue quotidienne ! Presque tous les jours se produisent ce que les bonnes âmes appellent des "incivilités" qui montent en nombre, intensité et violence ! Rapines, viols (plusieurs centaines par jour selon Obertone), squats, bagarres, violences et meurtres...
Exemple au hasard : Toulouse, une génération de jeunes caïds met la ville à feu et à sang pour le contrôle des points de deal ! Leur héros : Mohamed Merah !😡

Sunday, September 1, 2019

French children being refused quality education. keep them stupid and poor.

Pour aider les enfants à s’épanouir et à acquérir le goût d’apprendre, une jeune chercheuse, alors institutrice, a expérimenté une démarche basée sur trois points essentiels : l’action, l’amour et la motivation. Résultat ? Des gamins capables de lire dès l’âge de trois à quatre ans ou de résoudre des multiplications à quatre chiffres dès l’âge de quatre ans ! Et, le tout, dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Vous vous dites que l’Éducation nationale a dû être enthousiaste et ravie ? Pensez-vous ! Elle a aussitôt demandé à la rebelle d’arrêter ses recherches…

new world order, masons etc...

Deaths and devastating injuries. A litany of labor violations. Drivers forced to urinate in their vans. Here is how Amazon’s gigantic, decentralized, next-day delivery network brought chaos, exploitation, and danger to communities across America

re plagiat religieux

le pape jean Paul II en visite au bénin actuel en photo avec un prêtre vaudou.
Voila la vérité. Pendant que sa religion (le christianisme) et les représentants de celle-ci traitent nos ancêtres de sorciers et d’idolâtres, de païens, et en condamnant les pratiques ancestrales des noirs, ce qui fait que les noirs chrétiens refusent d’aller au village rencontrer ce genre de personne (ex : prêtre vaudou), voila que ce sont eux-mêmes ( Ici le pape même) qui se cachent pour aller rencontrer ces personnes en secret, ils vont a la source de ce que leurs religions ont plagié (l’Afrique) pour rencontrer nos initiés et essayer de percer nos secrets.
Pendant que les noirs remplissent leurs églises et ne vont pas au village, et rejettent les initiés les gardiens de la tradition, etc.; eux ils font le chemin inverse et viennent au village pour essayer de récupérer encore des trucs auprès de nos initiés, et ensuite les plagier encore dans leurs religions, et ensuite traiter l’Afrique de tous les noms.
Des documents révèlent même qu’en En 1923, le pape pie XI a son époque a envoyé une expédition chez les pygmées, a la recherche de la religion première.
Pourquoi le pape n’est pas allé chercher la religion première de l’humanité a Jérusalem, a Nazareth ou a la Mecque par exemple, mais il est allé chez les pygmées africains?
Voila la verité. Pendant qu’ils envoient les nègres a la Mecque et a Jérusalem, eux-mêmes connaissant la vérité, se cachent pour venir en Afrique, dans nos villages, chez les pygmées, etc.. rencontrer des personnes qu’ils décrivent comme sorciers dans leurs prêches, des personnes qu’ils interdisent aux nègres de rencontrer.
Les nègres se séparent donc de leurs initiés et de leurs traditions, pendant que les autres essayent de les récupérer pour les plagier, et au final c’est qui les dindons de la farce ? Eh bien c’est encore les mêmes nègres !!