Friday, May 31, 2019

re slavery of 15 African countried

15 African countries are cut off financially from the rest of the world. They are only allowed to use a midnight printed currency called the Franc CFA, fabricated by the French banana regime. The banana currency is not convertible and highly inflated. Even more vicious, the banana monopoly currency is split into sub currencies for various countries, and are not convertible between each other. To import, you need to buy foreign currency via the French babana regime, same, to export and get paid, same to receive remittance from your expat kids. Massive profit is made against the Africans, at each transaction. Natural resources are stolen, being paid with the monkey currency. And even worse, are exported for manufacturing. Part of finished goods return to Africa to local markets, at inflated prices. The system was set up by French and German nazis, who printed fake Francs and used them to steal French wealth. After the 2nd w. war, the trick was used by the French regime, against the Africans. Nowadays, the EU banana regime is applying the trick to the Euro, and of course the Franc CFA. Quite a number of African heads of state have tried to start their national currency, they have all been assasinated. Khadafi is said to have received the same treatment for trying to instaure an African currency.

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