Wednesday, July 24, 2019

return of democracy in the UK

Justin Shasha shared a link to the group: The Bruges Group. Allister Heath: Boris Johnson's brilliant Brexit dream team proves that he is deadly serious The Tory grassroots may dare to hope.. Could this finally be The One? The Government all true conservatives, all true Eurosceptics and all true free-marketeers have spent years pining for? The first genuinely centre-Right government since Margaret Thatcher, committed to changing Britain in deep, radical ways? It rarely pays to hope in politics: incompetence, weakness, betrayal, venality and events almost always conspire to shatter dreams. Failure is the norm; success is the twice-in-a century exception. The outlook is especially inauspicious today: Boris Johnson won’t even be granted a honeymoon such is the Remainer establishment’s loathing of him, and he cannot count on a majority of MPs in Parliament. He could easily end up as the shortest-lived PM in history. Read Allister Heath's latest column on every Wednesday night from 9.30pm But despite all of these obvious, almost overwhelming dangers, the early signs are that there is at least a chance that something extraordinary might happen, for the first time since the early 1980s. Contrary to what the naysayers had claimed, there is a plan, there is a method and there are the people to deliver it. Johnson is a chairman, a delegator who is best when he sets down a vision, parameters and broad policies and entrusts others to deliver the detail: his effectiveness depends entirely upon the quality of the people he appoints. He eventually pulled that off in London. He was handed a team on a plate at Vote Leave, and shone. He had no structures and trusted personnel around him immediately after the referendum, hence chaos; and was equally isolated at the Foreign Office, hence at the mercy of hostile forces. So the great, make or break questions for Johnson this time around were whether he would appoint a proper team, immediately, and what its intellectual and ideological composition would be. He didn’t disappoint. Johnson’s decision to purge the Cabinet of anybody who couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver was spot on: many of his critics feared that he would be too weak to wield the axe. Instead, he proved ruthless and decisive, launching the most radical reshaping of a Cabinet outside of a change of party in living memory. It’s do or die, and he means it. His appointments so far have been exceptional – as good as they could have been from a free market and Eurosceptic perspective. Take the top three Cabinet jobs: Sajid Javid, a free marketeer with a superb grip of economics and finance, now has it in his gift to become one of Britain’s great Chancellors; Priti Patel, a principled Thatcherite, will be a radical anti-crime Home Secretary; and Dom Raab will project a pro-Brexit vision of Global Britain as Foreign Secretary. All three are children of immigrants; all three embody the great pro-capitalist Tory meritocratic ethic of the 1980s. But it was Johnson’s first big appointment of the day that was the most significant, and confirmed his seriousness: he hired Dominic Cummings, the best centre-Right political strategist of the past 30 years and Vote Leave’s campaign director, as his senior adviser. Cummings, who relishes forcing recalcitrant institutions to change, is entirely committed to seeing Britain leave the EU, and will ensure that the whole Government makes that its one priority. His ally Michael Gove is in charge of the Civil Service, making radical reform even more likely. In effect, a hybrid of Vote Leave and Johnson’s trusted London advisers will be in total control of No 10 and the Tory party machinery, as should have been the case since 2016; taken as a whole, they are the most talented group of political operatives to be in Downing Street since the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown years. On top of Cummings, Johnson aides include the excellent Sir Eddie Lister, David Frost and Munira Mirza, among others. Let us hope that Javid now appoints Matthew Elliott, who co-chaired his leadership campaign, to No 11 Downing Street and then the whole Vote Leave team will be reunited. Johnson has a dual mission: he must take back control, from Brussels and from Whitehall, and then embark on a transformation of Britain’s economy, society and political institutions to ensure our freedom and prosperity in a world where threats and opportunities are magnified by globalisation, and where technology is more important than ever. The hurdles are immense. He must deliver a proper Brexit, with October 31 an absolute deadline; he will also need to take on, defeat and mould for his own purposes the machinery of the British state. Both challenges are monumental and inter-linked: at least Brussels will now realise that the Brexiteers are finally in power. Yet the fight at home will be just as tough: Johnson faces a powerful establishment consensus, a gigantic blob that includes much of the Civil Service, the quangocracy, the charity sector, academia, cultural institutions and swathes of corporate lobbyists, all committed to shifting the status quo in an ever-more Left-wing and corporatist direction. They have all been busy following the playbook of Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Marxist philosopher who understood that cultural hegemony was the sure path to political triumph. As a result, this Leftist-industrial complex has grown ever more influential in recent decades: astonishingly, we live in a country where branches of the state are fighting the elected Government, seeking to impose their own agenda on crime or social issues, campaigning against Brexit, or waging politicised vendettas against dissidents. Much of this was encouraged by Remainers in the Cabinet in search of outriders, and by Mrs May, who sometimes thought it was her job to represent fashionable elite opinion to the people, rather than the other way around. It will take a herculean effort to turn this around; the appointment of Cummings suggests that a fight-back is now on the cards. If Johnson survives Brexit and the inevitable 2019 general election, he will have to upgrade Britain. We need a new constitutional settlement and a new Civil Service; refreshed monetary institutions led by a world-class governor of the Bank of England who believes in making a success of a self-governing Britain; and a fiscal and economic revolution to attract capital. Will Johnson succeed? On the face of it, the probabilities are poor, but I’m suddenly feeling strangely optimistic. Read Allister Heath's latest column on every Wednesday night from 9.30pm

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