Sunday, July 28, 2019


Alexandre Coutinho The idea of tolerate a minimum state is as bizarre as tolerate a huge state States are monopolistic agencies of the use of force and legislative production - and their consequently need to have a violent and effective system of law enforcement. They are intrinsically anti-ethical institutions and war promoters, systematized violence, capital destruction and savings, and behavioral engineering through direct coercion and hundred mechanisms of indirect coercion. States do not exist to defend the common good, nor have they emerged from a social contract (even that being defined as an unspoken agreement) State is the institutionalisation of the "Stationary thug" that emerged from the formation of armed groups organized to promote looting against productive individuals State is institutionalized theft (legalized plunder) The supposed public interest which it is supposed to defend is only the interest of organized groups with greater lobby capacity and logrolling, disguised as the common good And even if the "Collective interest" indeed existed, it would be the state a mere mechanism of irrational application of a collectivist utilitarianism. An absurd idea from the organization between the usurpers, tyrants and kleptocrats. Brake and weight mechanisms are just abstract concepts printed in formal documents. The application of such concepts is virtually impossible, given the huge amount of gaps and contradictions in the theory of the social contract itself that supports the concept of state. The institutional system itself of power control, limitation of the performance of the institutions, contigenciamento of spending and restrictions on the abusive use of representative power or constitutional powers already demand the creation of a series of new institutions: courts of auditors, corregedorias, Audits, attorneys and such, and each demand its own internal bureaucratic structure such as offices, consultancies, institutional spokesperson and so on. Minimum State is a fiction as fantasy as democracy. Every political arrangement naturally tends to a centralisation of power, increase in the field of juspositivista acting to the expense of individual rights and usurpation of natural rights starting with property, which is the foundation of a free socio-legal order Constitutions are abstractions of theoretical and utopian about a model of social organization. What matters is a natural order based on natural order to promote radical decentralization and continuous secessions guided by goals such as the preservation of free, peaceful social order and a free market laissez faire promoting continuous capital formation, and the cultivation of virtues such as Charity, courage, creativity, Entrepreneurship, altruism and respect to ethics. That's what a civilization is about. Not about a bunch of socialist and totalitarian concepts printed in a booklet.

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