Sunday, July 14, 2019

after West Indies Company, came more juniors.

Alexandre Coutinho "(...) the companies started with the merchant navy, the oldest being the " Lloyd register ", founded in Britain, in 1760. Others, similar are the ABS (American Bureau of shipping), the Bureau has veritase det norske veritas, among others. Today, classification companies have expanded their activities, acting in industrial plants, pipelines, railway lines, construction, and many other activities. Classification companies are technical certification entities. Although private, that is to say, they develop technical standards and procedures which, although voluntary, are not careless. These entities are called " classification " precisely because they " classify " the object of their standardisation and audit, according to the quality of the construction, their destination and the state of maintenance." Private certification agencies such as organic food, ecossustentável provenance of inputs, food and pharmacological safety, safety standards for process engineering, Accounting Audits Among other dozens of sectors are far more efficient and reliable than state regulatory agencies. They are not coercive, hire them who wants and consume the products or services they certified also who wants. While private corporate agencies have in their credibility their greatest asset, state agencies use force and violence to apply rules created by obscure interests. While an organic food certification can go bankrupt if it makes a bad or careless evaluation, nothing will happen to the corrupt bureaucrat of The same goes for private justice with their voluntarily hired arbitration courts and private armies. Your profitability and market share in a competitive market environment depends on your credibility and reputation. The corrupt state justice and the state armed forces are monopoly and can abuse corruption and violence because they are not judged by the free market, but by corregidors, also from the state itself, and as corrupt and criminal as they are.

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