Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Brazil unsecurity

Wagner Hertzog Article I wrote, published in the newspaper the leaf of the southwest, newspaper biweekly de palmas, paraná The Disarmament Status, without a doubt, was one of the biggest misfortune for Brazil. He contributed to making society mostly vulnerable to crime and violence, and placed Brazil among the ten most violent countries in the world. As the political system - besides depraved and tyrannical - is blatantly autocratic and central, and has a positivist legal order of authoritarian and collectivist matrix, it does not recognize in any way, way or circumstance the sovereignty of the individual; therefore, it does not manifest Kind of empathy or respect for individual rights. Invariably, the state prefers to leave the population vulnerable than to accept reality, and to understand that banning citizens from exercising their inalienable right to self-defense is a form of violence. Always opting for centralisation, failure, neglect, negligence and systematic rejection of the Brazilian state towards reality imposes an aggressive and vertical condition of mandatory vulnerability to the whole population. The Senate recently resisted the President's decree to make flexibility - although the right thing would be to tear up - the Of course, they do not want the population to arm themselves, because an armed and dissatisfied society with the system could well overthrow the tyrants and psychopaths who are in power through an armed blaze. An unarmed society makes the state safer, because so the political class knows that a popular uprising becomes more unlikely. This is the only concern of stationary bandits, to remain in power. Political psychopaths show total indifference and contempt for the ordinary citizen, after all, they enjoy armed private security and have armored cars at their disposal. If the ordinary citizen is vulnerable and helpless, this is a great benefit, because society will be totally dependent on the state to have an illusion of security. And the state can always perpetuate its parasitic cycle, which consists basically of creating problems, to then offer the solution. Next, you can read the article in full. In Defense of civil weapons Recently, the Senate managed to overthrow the decree enacted by President Jair Bolsonaro, which made the possession of weapons for the Brazilian citizen more flexible. Logically, the worst thing that can happen in a country is the restriction of weapons to the population. This makes everything much worse in terms of both collective and individual security. First of all, bandits and criminals will always be armed. Restrictions affect only the ordinary citizen, who follows the laws and obeys the loyalist bureaucracy of the state, which is never a positive attitude; we have the obligation and moral duty to disobey lethal and notorious decrees - especially these, of a deleterious nature -, Which seeks to deprive the citizen of the inalienable right to defend his own life, and consequently, gives validity to a wide, sordid and nefarious project of democide. Banning the citizen from having weapons is institutionalize vulnerability, not security. As mentioned above, criminals do not obey laws, they are completely indifferent to the loyalist positivity of the state, and to everything that is printed on Bandits, offenders, evildoers, will acquire weapons to practice their crimes and misdemeanors, no matter the state forbid them from having weapons. What we cannot allow is the mandatory vulnerability of the ordinary citizen, deferred by those who should have the least respect for life rather than contempt. It is necessary to understand that disarm the population only benefits criminals. They know that they can rob, steal and kill at will, and they will find no resistance from the population, because the mandatory vulnerability of society benefits them. Armed citizens, on the other hand - in addition to the possibility of defending themselves, if they are attacked or threatened - inhibit the execution of crimes, because knowing that society is armed, criminal criminals, because confront armed citizens will endanger their lives. And although many people don't know that, criminals don't like to get shot. Banning or hinder the possession of weapons for ordinary citizens is an immoral, nefarious and criminal act. Something so unbelievably evil and abominable is simply unacceptable, even more from the evil and depraved bureaucrats of brasilia, who enjoy the protection of armored cars and armed security, privileges inaccessible to the ordinary citizen. We must never allow state bureaucrats to tell us what we can or cannot do. The totalitarian tyranny of the state can be contained only with properly armed citizens, protected and protected by the sacred right to fire weapons, to exercise their full right to self-Defense. Inhibiting, limiting or restricting society's access to firearms is a dangerous step towards totalitarianism. Possibly that is why state bureaucrats are trying so hard to restrict access to firearms to the population. Do not forget their madman desire for power and control, and fear that an armed population may challenge them, and take them out of power. In addition to personal security, and a fundamental resource to protect the home of intruders and criminals, civil weapons has this fundamental privilege: protecting society from totalitarianism of state. Venezuela became a dictatorship because - before the bolivarian regime consolidated itself as a tyrannical brutal and oppressive government -, the citizens were all previously unarmed, in a campaign very similar to the one we had here in Brazil, during the pt era, with The status of disarmament. On the pretext that this decreases the number of murders, which is a fallacy, governments with tyrannical claims disarm the population, before imposing their tyranny in an unrestricted way over society. Unarmed, the people have no way to defend themselves, nor will they be able to resist the unfettered advance of We must never allow state bureaucrats to impose rules unilaterally for society under no circumstances. We need to resist the slavery nefarious and tyrannical domination of political dictators They have no right to demand that the Brazilian citizen do not defend himself in the face of aggression and die like a lamb led to slaughter. Disarmament is genocide. Everyone has the right to self-Defense. It is a duty and a moral obligation of every correct man to disobey unjust laws, and which - above all - benefit only psychopaths, criminals, offenders and murderers, and on top of that we normalize the vulnerability of the It is time to tear, or rather, set fire to the country, criminal, totalitarian and genocidal status of disarmament.

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