Saturday, July 13, 2019

it is complicated!

Alexandre Coutinho From weapons of ideological domain and psychosocial manipulation, a flame to attention for being almost unanimous: The appeal to patriotism States (agencies that hold the monopoly on the use of force and legislative production in a territorial jurisdiction) are formed by a consortium of political oligarchies, and other mafias that join this political-partisan base. Therefore, groups of interest are worth this management apparatus, law enforcement and legal looting (legalized plunder) to defend their interests to the detriment of the loss of the natural rights of others. Thus, distinct strategies are used to keep the masses in a position subservience to the mafia consortium that dominates them. It may be the exploration of fear and all the effects of warfare. Or the psychosocial dependency of wellfare. Or both, merged in distinct proportions. The strategy that will work better in the long term is the one that does not collides with central culture or mainstream perception. The more the masses identify with the goal of the state, the greater its membership of the predominant culture of the And vice versa The Essential Ruse of democracy is to believe that people with distinct "Weltanschaunng" can coexist peacefully and support the existence of a common 'greater': the state. But within the democratic spectrum, the mainstream has a strong tendency to maintain the [NATIONALIST ESTABLISHMENT] and to associate the concept of Homeland (Homeland, native language, culture, religion) to the concept of state. The appeal to patriotism is nothing more than the psychological appeal to the masses to defend an apparatus of coercion and spoliation, painted with the colors of nationalism. It is the appeal to the individual to sacrifice (Read: do not resist to looting and loyalist coercion) for the collective. "don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" The Socialist John Kennedy, the heir of a political oligarchy that lived from the spoliation of productive agents, said "(...) there are many and subtle ideological weapons that the state has handled through the centuries. One of these excellent weapons has been tradition. The longer the domain of a state has been preserved, the more powerful is this weapon; because in this way the dynasty x or the state y maintains the apparent weight of the tradition of the centuries as sustenance for its own existence [XVI]. the The ancestors then become a very subtle form of worship to the ancient rulers. The greatest danger to the state is independent intellectual criticism; there is no better way to stifle this criticism than to attack any isolated voice, anyone who raises new doubts, as being an unholy rapist of the wisdom of their ancestors " Murray N. Rothbard.

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