Monday, October 14, 2019

Andy Beckett > ‎The Bruges Group
Interesting new report from Global Britain on the Irish economy.
"The paper examines the Irish question, not so much from the perspective of the backstop, but from examining the Irish economy. We think you will find the conclusions, all of which are based on Irish Government data, startling.
We believe that Irish GDP is over-stated by a staggering €130bn pa as a result of creating a 'flag of convenience' tax structure. While Ireland's structures are perfectly legal this results in substantial transfers from other European countries to Ireland with the UK, France and Germany being the primary losers. Our paper examines these structures in considerable detail.
We conclude that it is no wonder the Irish are desperate to tie the UK to the Single Market in near perpetuity. This is a significant hidden cost of Single Market membership. It should also help remind those negotiating the UK's withdrawal from the EU that many frictions between Ireland and the rest of the UK exist of which tax is just one."

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