Tuesday, October 15, 2019

re communists in Russia

Paul Gilbert
“It was not the Communists who overthrew the Russian empire,” argues Communist sympathizer
A heated exchange of words between two prominent Russian political figures was held this week, on the program ‘Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov’ on the Russia-1 Channel.
The leader of the pro-Communist Essence of Time Movement Sergei Kurginyan (left), drew to the attention of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (right), “I remind Vladimir Volfovich that it was not the Communists who overthrew the Russian empire . . . No one but Nicholas II can be responsible for the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917.”
What Kurginyan fails to note, however, is that it was indeed the Communists who murdered the Tsar and his family, along with thousands of priests, nuns, and Orthodox Christians. Millions of innocent Russians were murdered, jailed or forced into exile. They destroyed the Russian Empire!

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