Saturday, December 21, 2019

most dangerous beings

1: moskitos

2: humanos

Frederic Kucnerowicz > ‎Pétain Maréchal de France
1943 Alger nouvelle capitale de la France mais aussi nouvelle capitale des francs-maçons.
Alger protège les francs-maçons !
Il fallut attendre l arrivée du général de Gaulle à Alger en 1943 pour que les fonctionnaires révoqués, maçons ou non, soient réintégrés. En novembre 1943, le Grand Maître Dumesnil de Gramont arrive à Alger pour siéger au nom du mouvement de résistance Libération-Sud à l assemblée consultative. Il s emploie à ce que les travaux des loges puissent reprendre en toute légalité. Jacques Soustelle et Georges Gorse demandent à de Gaulle de répondre à ce souhait. La présence d Henri Queuille, un radical, à la vice-présidence du Comité français de libération nationale (CFLN), favorise les démarches. À l assemblée consultative, le général de Gaulle répond à Yvon Morandat:
" Nous n avons jamais reconnu les lois d exception de Vichy, en conséquence la franc-maçonnerie n a jamais cessé d exister en France."
Enfin, le 15 décembre 1943, une ordonnance du CFLN porte annulation de la loi du 13 août 1940 et des dispositions relatives aux sociétés secrètes. Après la Libération, l ordonnance du 31 mars 1945 rétablit la légalité républicaine et rend exécutoire en métropole l ordonnance d Alger du 15 décembre 1943.
Source Historia Spécial ( juillet, août 1997) n 48
Article de Michéle Cointet ( historienne, spécialiste de la Seconde guerre mondiale, auteur de nombreux ouvrages dont Vichy, capitale 1940/44 Perrin, 1993).
Photo d illustration.

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Saturday, December 14, 2019

NATO descending into chaos

US President says one thing, staff does the opposite
German tu tltally bankrupt by Euro debts which nobody will ever be able to pay back
France without functioning government
UK trying to brexit the spreading madness
Turkey fighting NATO proxies

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bruxit in the bag?

if the UK fare well, others will follow

planned mass massacres in France

according to high level French judiciary

how to turn beautiful young women vegan

the new plague: the Gaulois diaspora

they invade and spremacise everything: From siliclowns valley to Hongkong!

how Putin might still become a statesman

one: Pull out of Siberia
two: Pull out of immemorial Rus Principalities
three: Evict fake Ukrainians_ Austro Hungarians, Poles, Chinese Khazars
four: Retrieve missing Ukraine gold
five: Support eviction of non Siberian descendants from American continent

afro telecom revolution; no more cables.

re organised crime_children

re invasion

Saturday, November 30, 2019

French genocide 1789, time to acknowledge

hude percentage of the population were killed. Te to acknowledge and compensate.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

le bon sens en Europe

eurozone approx daily theft from citizen output

a rough guess:  40 Euros a day

advanced economies: siphoning

rough estimate: One billion a day per 50 million cows.

one billion a day madcronia

rough estimate of daily abuse of citizens PNB

securite sociale FR: 20 milliards d'euros a la poubelle en 2017

on estime que 80% des medicaments remboursés ne servent a rien.

B Johnson and Conservatives loosing the coming elections?

unrest in Monaco

fake news by public servants

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

revolte a la banque centrale europeenne

arrestation du biologiste analysant les effets des gaz lacrymogènes

Juan Branco
Alexander Samuel, le biologiste qui enquête sur les gaz lacrymogènes depuis des mois, vient de m'appeler après avoir été arrêté et mis en garde à vue 48 heures sans raisons, alors qu'il allait rejoindre une amie.
Il a été perquisitionné, tout son matériel informatique et les données de son enquête ont été saisies.
Le prétexte ? Avoir participé à une action d'extinction rébellion dont il n'avait pas même connaissance.
La question de l'effet des gazages répétés sur la santé, qui n'avait jamais fait l'objet d'études scientifiques, commence à monter.
Qui gêne-t-elle ?
7 h · Public
Fly Rider Nicolle Maxime et 1,6 K autres personnes
Votre commentaire...

Juan Branco
Je vais tenter de faire un live à ce sujet ce soir, à 21H30. Préparez vous questions.
Modifié · 82 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 5 heures
Juan Branco
Laurent Cavallo Ah, et dans quel but ? Il me… Plus
Juan Branco a répondu · Voir les 14 réponses
Tom My
Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait de cause à effet entre ses recherche et les agissements de l'état.
Non je déconne
20 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 7 heures
Oliv D'aqui a répondu · 1 réponse
Jean Claude Martinez
C’est clair, a propos de ces gaz il y a des choses que nous ne devons surtout pas savoir......😡
Modifié · 12 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 5 heures
Genevieve Kerboull a répondu · 1 réponse
Lisa Valence
Juan je t'envoie en mp le screen d'une conversation que j'ai eu avec Alex il y a qq jours si tu veux. Il se sait menacé...
6 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 5 heures
Marie Lpi
Le piano est sur le point d’être livré je répète le piano est sur le point d’être livré
11 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 6 heures
Daniel Robart a répondu · 3 réponses
Sam Papillon
J'espère qu'il avait une sauvegarde...
22 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 7 heures
Ludovic Faus
Suite normale des choses dans une dictature déguisée.
22 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 7 heures
Lafamille Descamps a répondu · 3 réponses
Michel Slabolepszy
C'est comme le sang contaminé, responsable mais pas coupable, voilà nos élus élues,ma réponse
17 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 6 heures
Nadine Lyon
J'espère qu'il en aura fait une copie ou une sauvegarde ailleurs
3 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 6 heures
Mickael Kael
On se croirait dans X-Files, la réalité a dépassée la fiction.
Modifié · 5 · J’aime · Réagir · Répondre · Plus · il y a 5 heures
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phenomene litteraire et phenomene social

cinq millions d assasinats. l'EU, c'est la paix

re collusion EU_US
guerres moyen orient etc...

re fanatisme liberticide et mortifere

re terrorism

Sunday, October 27, 2019

bilderberg fiesta at its best

George Orwell animal farm in Africa?

throwing out looting French establishment out of Africa is a noble cause.
trying to appropriate human rights, mankind heritage natural resources for the locals is a new long term destabilising factor.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

internet gossip

re boycot

re scotland future, a Eurasiian village

Friday, October 18, 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Brexit now happening

Republic of Ireland, probably on a road to leave the EU, after tax harmonisation. French government now have to deliver the people decision_2005 referendum, which is NO to the EU, by a 54% majority.

Interesting to watch how many EU businesses are going to relocate to the UK.

Now is going to be time for flexible deals between authentic communities, ie Wales/Bretagne, etc...

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

PT, workers party, Brazil

re communists in Russia

Paul Gilbert
“It was not the Communists who overthrew the Russian empire,” argues Communist sympathizer
A heated exchange of words between two prominent Russian political figures was held this week, on the program ‘Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov’ on the Russia-1 Channel.
The leader of the pro-Communist Essence of Time Movement Sergei Kurginyan (left), drew to the attention of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (right), “I remind Vladimir Volfovich that it was not the Communists who overthrew the Russian empire . . . No one but Nicholas II can be responsible for the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917.”
What Kurginyan fails to note, however, is that it was indeed the Communists who murdered the Tsar and his family, along with thousands of priests, nuns, and Orthodox Christians. Millions of innocent Russians were murdered, jailed or forced into exile. They destroyed the Russian Empire!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Andy Beckett > ‎The Bruges Group
Interesting new report from Global Britain on the Irish economy.
"The paper examines the Irish question, not so much from the perspective of the backstop, but from examining the Irish economy. We think you will find the conclusions, all of which are based on Irish Government data, startling.
We believe that Irish GDP is over-stated by a staggering €130bn pa as a result of creating a 'flag of convenience' tax structure. While Ireland's structures are perfectly legal this results in substantial transfers from other European countries to Ireland with the UK, France and Germany being the primary losers. Our paper examines these structures in considerable detail.
We conclude that it is no wonder the Irish are desperate to tie the UK to the Single Market in near perpetuity. This is a significant hidden cost of Single Market membership. It should also help remind those negotiating the UK's withdrawal from the EU that many frictions between Ireland and the rest of the UK exist of which tax is just one."

Queen speech

mass killing and displacement of Kurds by Nato states governments.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

re Kurfistan by Prince Pahlavi

Frederic de Natal > ‎International Monarchist Conference - Conférence Monarchiste Internationale
Le prince Reza Shah Pahlavi a publié un communiqué où il condamne fermement l'intervention armée turque en Syrie : "Ce qui se passe dans le nord de la Syrie, près de la frontière turque, est un exemple de violation des droits des citoyens kurdes qui, malheureusement, ont été à nouveau abandonnés par les puissances étrangères J'espère qu'avec l'intervention des Nations unies, le gouvernement turc décidera bientôt de mettre fin à cette guerre dévastatrice et qu'enfin nous réalisions l'établissement d'une paix durable dans la région " a déclaré le prétendant au trône d'Iran / official statement from prince Reza Shah Pahlavi  regarding recent Turkish military intervention: " What is going on in northern Syrie near the Turkish border is an example of ignoring rights of Kurdish citizens who, unfortunately, have once again been abandoned by the influential powers.I hope that with the intervention of the United Nations, the Turkish government will soon have to stop this devastating war and we witness establishment of peace in the region."

Re Kurdistan


Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Donald Trump shake hands during a meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan. June 29, 2019 Pool Presidential Press Service
Opinion Kurdish Leader: Trump Just Stuck a Knife in the Back of America's Brothers-in-arms
The international community must choose: Enforce a no-fly zone over northern Syria – or join Trump's cowardly betrayal of the Kurds, and his appeasement of a murderous Islamist-fascist Turkish government
Akil Marceau
13.10.2019 | 15:50

Turkish troops, supported by tens of thousands of Sunni Islamist militia members, have started their invasion of the Kurdish majority region of North Eastern Syria. Those troops will do everything they can to eliminate the Kurds, the focus of their sickening nationalist phobia, just as their Ottoman predecessors did in committing the Armenian genocide.
This is why Donald Trump’s green light to Recep Tayyip Erdogan is both immoral and irresponsible.
The Turkish air force has flown over the Kurdish border towns of Gerê-spî, Serê-Kanî, Derbasiyê and Dêrik, a region stretching for over 450 km. Turkish aerial bombardments have already caused civilian deaths and forced many to leave their homes.
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>> Trump Is Complicit in Erdogan's Ethnic Cleansing
The North Eastern Syria Kurdish administration has called on its military forces and all civilians in the area to defend their region. Days into the attack the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) has resisted a land incursion despite the sophisticated arms, and particularly the air force, of the Turkish army, NATO's second largest force.

The fury created by Trump’s decision, including from within his own Republican camp, and the declarations from the Pentagon trying to give some meaning to the shocking, thunderous and impulsive tweets Trump has discharged, have eased neither the pervasive confusion, nor solved the chaos that is taking place.
The administration and the U.S. military establishment has been running after those tweets, offering diplomatic pirouettes and linguistic tricks to remedy their repercussions. This is an America lacking strategy on key global issues, dependent on the transactional whims of a real estate magnate who only weakens allies and strengthens adversaries.
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The fight against jihadist terrorism is far from over. Recent terrorist attacks prove it. Dormant cells wake as soon as vigilance relaxes. It is common knowledge that international terrorism transits through Turkey, with the full complicity of the "deep state" and its secret networks, using the country as a logistics and rear base.

In contrast, Kurdish forces are monitoring and managing over 12,000 ISIS prisoners and 70,000 members of their families, including their children. That is now at risk.
Dictatorial regimes in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria have all planned genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Kurds, covering all four quarters of Kurdistan. Since the 1960s, successive Syrian regimes have rendered more than 300,000 Kurds stateless and installed Arab settlers in Syrian Kurdistan.
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Over the last eight years, and against the odds, Syrian Kurds have succeeded in establishing an administration in this part of Syria that has welcomed the local participation of Christians, Arabs and Armenians. As the safest region in Syria, pluralism is the norm.

Not one bullet has been fired at Turkey from this territory. But it is this emerging administration's pluralism and affirmative feminism that poses a threat to the ruling Islamist-fascist coalition in Turkey.

Syrian Arab and Kurdish civilians arrive in Tal Tamr, in the Syrian northwestern Hasakeh province, after fleeing the Turkish bombardment along the Turkish border. October 10, 2019 AFP
Erdogan repeatedly claims that he intends to forcibly re-settle the three million displaced Syrian Arabs, who have taken refuge in Turkey, in this part of Syria. This means driving out the Kurdish local population and replacing it with an Arab population. It has a name: ethnic cleansing.
Saddam Hussein did the same in Iraqi Kurdistan. However, this time the presence of American troops and their laissez-faire president makes them accomplices.
For Erdogan, seeking a diversion away from his economic and political difficulties, from the widening faults in his own AKP party, from his losses in elections in Turkey’s major cities and energetic emerging opposition movements, invasion is a political gift. With his coalition allies, the far-right fascist MHP party, he has a common enemy: The Kurds.
This time the "Kurdish enemy" is not the 18 million Kurds who are unequal citizens of Turkey, may of whose leaders and elected parliamentarians are in prison, and whose recently-elected mayors have been deliberately removed from office. This time, it is the three million Kurds of Syria who are the target of Ankara's nationalistic phobia.
The Kurdish autonomous administration  in northern Syria is precisely the example and model that Turkey wants to avoid at all costs within its own borders. It is a script we've seen before: When Iraqi Kudistan held a referendum for independence, Erdogan responded with seething hostility, closing Turkey's airspace and contributing to the Iraqi government's attacks on Iraqi Kurdistan.

Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Tal Abyad, as seen from the Turkish side of the border, a target of Turkey's military operation against Kurdish forces. October 10, 2019 AFP
It is now urgent to stop Erdogan's invasion of northern Syria. The silence of the UN is scandalous: if it cannot respond when Turkey openly plans to demographically reshape the area and when it invades a UN member state, then when will it ever raise its voice?
The various UN special envoys for Syria, one after another, have watched from the sidelines as this crisis has steadily built. None of them have had the courage to resign out of outrage, none have salvaged credibility for the so-called international community, the world’s conscience.
The West cannot hide behind the excuse of "an over-complex Middle East" in an attempt to dodge the crisis, hiding its head in the sand. It's too simple, and too hypocritical. The West knows this region well, drew up most of its borders, created many of its states, and its modern history, its oil and its market for arms has mingled with all the states from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.
Radical and expansionist Islam is not only active in this "complex Middle East." It can also strike at the center of Paris' police headquarters, in a Brussels' museum, on a bridge in London, in a skyscraper in New York. The operational field of activity of this radical Islamist movement is international and knows no borders.
The Kurdish bastion against barbaric terrorism has proved to be more than militarily effective. The pluralism and values defended by the Kurds oppose the project defended by the fanatics of the Islamic State and their model of society that promotes liberticide, ethnocide and femicide.
Turkish armed forces drive towards the border with Syria near Akcakale in Sanliurfa province on October 8, 2019 AFP
Abandoning your comrades-in-arms with whom you fought so valiantly is synonymous with cowardice and betrayal. It is also shooting yourself in the foot: it brings us all back to square one in the fight against international jihadism. And this time without allies on the ground.
Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell was right when he stated, "a precipitous withdrawal of U.S forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime and increase the risk that ISIS and other terrorist groups regroup."
Europe cannot hide behind America. It cannot continue mere lipservice towards the Kurds, not least when so many European citizens fought for ISIS and are held prisoner in this region.
That France, the UK and Germany demanded the UN Security Council meet today by is a welcome development. But any international effort that does not result in a no-fly-zone on North Syria and protection for its ethnic minorities will be a smokescreen at best – and at worst, a knife in the back of our Kurdish allies and brothers-in-arms.
Akil Marceau is the former director of the Representation of the Regional Government of Iraqi Kurdistan in Paris

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Ottomans versus Kurdes

Danico Kalombo
Le Maître des Portes a les mains libres au Levant
Le Maître des portes n’a peur de rien et il dispose d’assez d’atouts pour réussir. Les appels ridicules des Républicains et des Démocrates US à expulser les turcs de l’Otan font rire aux éclats la plupart des analystes turcs. Ces derniers soulignent une chose assez évidente : il n’existe aucun mécanisme au sein de l’Otan pour se débarrasser d’un pays membre contre son gré.
C’est l’Otan qui a besoin de la Turquie mais non l’inverse. Un retrait turc de l’Otan ferait tomber l’Alliance comme un château de cartes. Les forces armées turques sont la deuxième force de l’Otan en termes d’effectifs et on ne présente plus la combativité du soldat turc au sol. La dernière chose que les stratèges occidentaux souhaitent voir est une alliance stratégique cauchemardesque entre la Turquie, l’Iran et la Russie.
Le Grand Turc de 2019 a menacé publiquement de faire envahir l’Europe avec 3.6 millions de réfugiés (dans un premier temps) en usant de la rhétorique la plus méprisante à l’égard des dirigeants européens. « hey l’Union européenne, essayes pour voir de qualifier ce que je fais en Syrie d’invasion et vous serez envahi en temps record par des millions de nouveaux réfugiés ». Il ne fait aucun doute qu’Erdogan maîtrise son sujet bien au delà du gardiennage des digues et qu’il connaît par dessus tout l’extrême hypocrisie des dirigeants européens qu’il ne ménage plus. Ses forces sont en Syrie en train d’écraser les FDS ou Forces Démocratiques Syriennes kurdes et toutes les formations kurdes indépendantistes qui se sont empiffrées de l’aide militaire US jusqu’à se croire les maîtres du monde et à voir tout le monde de haut. Le rouleau compresseur turc va les ramener à la raison et surtout à la table des négociations.
De ce point de vue, Damas, Moscou et Téhéran se frottent les mains. Laisse le Turc écraser cette calamité de Cassad et on verra mieux après. C’est même le vœu de Trump qui en a vu de toutes les couleurs avec ces kurdes jamais satisfaits et avides de ressources. Mais personne n’est dupe : le Turc a ramené dans ses bagages une « Armée Nationale Syrienne » mise sur pied avec les débris de l’ASL ou Armée Syrienne Libre et les dizaines de milliers de jeunes réfugiés syriens vivant en Turquie. Le danger pour Damas est extrême.
Les iraniens pragmatiques ont déclenché par précaution des exercices militaires à la frontière avec la Turquie. Histoire de signifier au Turc que le gouvernement syrien n’est pas seul. Les Russes eux observent non sans fascination le grand bouleversement. L’Armée syrienne aurait du se ruer sur Minbedj dès le retrait des forces US mais elle ne l’a pas fait. En pleine reconstruction et serrée entre une grosse enclave rebelle au Nord accrochée au cœur de la Syrie utile, Israël au Sud et les kurdes au Nord-est, l’Armée syrienne garde le sens des réalité. Elle ne peut se mesurer à l’ogre turc dont la stratégie en Syrie et en Irak semble secondaire par rapport à ses trois champs prioritaires : la Grèce, Chypre et Israël avec lequel il entretient une coopération fructueuse.
Erdogan a les yeux rivés sur les gisements de gaz, tous les gisements de la méditerranée orientale, y compris le bassin du Léviathan et les kurdes commençaient à lui poser un problème avec leur pseudo entité étatique aux frontières élastiques déjà a cheval entre la Syrie et l’Irak et demain séduisant les kurdes de Turquie.
Seul consolation : l’Irak n’est plus un rival puisque il a quasiment sombré en tant qu’État-nation, la Syrie est en lambeaux et l’Iran sous le coup de sanctions et de blocus qui entravent son développement normal. C’est le grand moment ottoman. De quoi se plaignent ces européens déjà ? De choses insignifiantes pour Erdogan. Ils ne pèsent plus rien sur la balance stratégique d’un monde où il se fraye une place sous le soleil.
L’armée turque est capable d’envahir sans trop de dégât un tiers de la Syrie. Ce n’est pas l’objectif recherché. La stratégique turque, versatile et profondément orientale va plus loin. La création de l’Armée nationale syrienne mime un phénomène que l’on a vu à l’œuvre en Libye sous la supervision d’Ankara. Damas a annoncé qu’il se battra contre l’agression turque et espère attirer les kurdes en errance d’une allégeance à l’autre mais la plupart de ces derniers ne parviennent pas à accepter l’abandon d’un vieux rêve séparatiste sous la bannière étoilée.
Quelques militaires US ont bien enfreint les ordres du Pentagone et de Washington et sont demeurés auprès des miliciens kurdes par esprit de fraternité ou par loyauté. Ils se sont fait canarder comme pas possible par une artillerie turque qui se révèle d’une redoutable mobilité.
Qui est à blâmer dans ce jeu de massacre. Que l’on s’y trompe pas : les kurdes vont tout faire pour résister et cela va aggraver la réaction turque, laquelle sera de plus en plus brutale. Cela permettra à Damas de souffler et de voir ce que décideront les kurdes. Pour la Syrie, Ankara et Trump ont un plan commun assez complexe. Erdogan, lui, envoie balader pèle mêle les européens, les saoudiens et les égyptiens et commence à narguer l’État profond US avec lequel Trump est aux prises de Sumo.
Orient complexe et déroutant. Des forces apparaissent en Orient et elles sont redoutables. Le monde a définitivement basculé… par la faute d’une obsession ou du tropisme Moyen-Oriental de la politique étrangères US au profit de lobbyistes cherchant le profit par dessus tout. Au passage 10 trillions de dollars US ont été emportés par le vent. Mais autant en emporte le vent ! Le feu va tout consumer.


French regime not pretending anymore

France into Kurdish cleansing

Friday, October 11, 2019

reasons for Brexit

EU single market: low relevence for the UK

some things going wrong in the western world

Thursday, October 10, 2019

100.000 bombs on 8 countries

peace Nobel price Obama

fabricating a genius

decafes of theft producing results

rigging dance

CBI accused of rigging a poll on business attitudes to the European Union

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

descend of France into Infierno

Siberia independance

Moskovia are slightly overstaying in Siberia. jenghiz Khan lignage are perfectly capable of continuing managing themselves.

US gov


Lee Camp [Redacted]

We don't live in a Dictatorship, thankfully. We only live in Inverted Totalitarianism – rule by the anonymous corporate state with little-to-no meaningful input from the American people.
…So I’m sure everything will be fine.
12:12 AM · Oct 10, 2019·TweetDeck

Sebastian Ellis

Replying to
little by little they choked the meaning out of the Republic #banlobbying #termlimits  . used to be anyone proposed a bill and anyone could run..  now you spend millions competing for house seats? y?  because they stuff their pockets with shady deals and work "the people"



Raw Jade

Replying to


J Cook

Replying to
Remember a few days ago when the new iPhone came out and that one guy walking out of the store with one was the center of attention? They're gonna kill us all.


Jack Passmore

Replying to
Whereas the classical totalitarian government was an ordered, idealized and coordinated whole, inverted totalitarianism is a managed democracy which applies "managerial skills" to basic democratic political institutions.



Replying to
It’s called the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. This isn’t new.


Caroline Davison

Replying to
Er, yes, we do - and have done so for decades.


Luch G

Replying to
Yeah, that makes me feel a whole lot better!

masonic routine in France

Olivier Dorche > ‎Louis XVII Duc de Normandie à Aujourd'hui
Il s’agit d’une lettre, écrite à Amsterdam (Hollande) par un certain « Niveau », le 21 novembre 1793. Elle est incluse dans la 2ème liasse contenue dans « le Rapport Courtois ».
Tout, dans cette lettre, révèle les injonctions données par une Loge Maçonnique que transmet un « frère » (le dénommé « Niveau ») :
- Niveau, tout au long de sa lettre, n’écrit jamais « je » mais « nous » ;
- le contenu montre que la situation en France est non seulement observée attentivement mais qu’un dirigisme certain est appliqué auquel le frère Robespierre devrait se soumettre ; il est comme observé et guidé…
- un point important est demandé : la mise à mort de la religion et des prêtres, suivi de l’instauration d’un système totalitaire où gouverne une minorité…
Nos recherches ont montré qu’il s’agit de la Loge  Maçonnique « la Bien-Aimée » qui était la Loge du grand négoce d’Amsterdam dont le Grand Maître a été Aloysius Friedrich von Buhl, qui décéda en 1793.
Voici cette lettre :
Amsterdam, 1er jour de la 1re décade du 3ème mois de la République Française, une et indivisible
(21 novembre 1793)
« Il y a longtemps que je vous dois une réponse, mon cher Robespierre, mais vous n’en devez attribuer le retard qu’à la rapidité avec laquelle vous faites succéder les événements en France… Poursuivez, généreux citoyen, poursuivez ! Nous voyons avec une joie secrète que vous touchez au but que vous vous êtes proposé. Encore quelques têtes à bas, et la dictature vous est dévolue ; car nous reconnaissons avec vous qu’il faut un seul maître aux Français, n’importe quel nom on veille lui donner. » (souligné dans le texte).
« Je ne vous dirai rien de la femme Capet sinon que sa mort n’a surpris ni affligé personne…Quant à ses enfants et sa sœur (belle-sœur, en fait : Mme Elisabeth), qui a la réputation chimérique d’une femme vertueuse, nous avons voulu, suivant vos désirs, (souligné dans le texte) sonder un peu les sentiments du peuple à leur sujet. NOUS AVONS FAIT COURIR LE BRUIT QUE LE PETIT CAPET EST MORT DE SA DESCENTE et sa sœur d’une révolution. Mais nous avons eu la douleur de voir notre attente déçue de ce côté. PERSONNE N’A ÉTÉ DUPE DE NOTRE PETITE RUSE ; chacun a dit comme d’un commun accord : « AH ! SI CES ENFANTS SONT MORTS, ON LEUR A BIEN AIDÉ ! » Et tous paraissaient (tranchons le mot) INDIGNÉS. Laissons donc là les petits Capet et leur tante ; la politique même l’exige, car si nous faisions mourir le garçon, les brigands couronnés reconnaîtraient aussitôt comme Roi de France, le gros Monsieur de Ham (le Comte de Provence)…. »
« Frappez surtout la religion par ses fondements, et la renversez… Du moment que le peuple français sera sans prêtres, il sera sans passions contraires à celles que vous voulez uniquement lui inspirer. Anéantissez donc tous ces coquins à jaquettes noires. Vous n’avez plus besoin d’eux ; défaites-vous en. »….
« Malgré l’admiration où nous a jetés le plan de vos institutions civiles, nous avons remarqué que vous paraissez avoir omis un point qui nous semble cependant d’une grande importance »..
« Il n’est guère possible, sans courir de grands risques, de songer, pour le présent du moins, à niveler les fortunes… »
« Vous savez que dans une pension, ce qui fait le profit du maître est le nombre de pensionnaires ; vous, vous seriez les maîtres de pension, et tous les Français les pensionnaires ; vous n’auriez jamais à craindre que votre table ne fût pas bien garnie… »
« Adieu, mon ami.. comptez sur nous… »
« Niveau »
« Au citoyen Robespierre, à la Convention Nationale à Paris ; par Liège. »
Ceci montre que Robespierre était ouvert à tous les bords opposés, susceptibles de le porter au pouvoir suprême : 1) dictature conseillée par les « frères » maçons, 2) ou bien devenir Régent (et donc monarchiste) pendant la minorité de Louis XVII ; 3) ou, enfin, obtenir une situation élevée si le Comte de Provence devenait Régent ou Roi. (lettre du Comte de Provence – papiers Courtois).
© Cercle Royal Légitime -2019

3 h · Público
Olivier Dorche e outras 5 pessoas
Philippe de Neuilly
la pourriture dans toute sa splendeur..aucun scénariste n'aurait pu écrire une telle machination..Elle ne peut être enfantée que par des esprit voués au diable et lui voue adoration..Ses émules poursuivent leur besogne encore de nos jours...sans que rien ni quiconque ne les arrête !

re vaccines

climate change politics, re funding

Saturday, October 5, 2019

re Christianism, religion of insoumission and resistance.

re govrnmental organised chaos

chimps Elysees

Nombreux sont ceux d’entre nous qui, du 8ème arrondissement ne connaissaient rien. Pourtant, avec répétitions et depuis l’enfance, nous avons entendu dire qu’on y trouvait la plus belle avenue du monde. Nous y sommes allés, et nous concluons qu’il s’agit là d’un endroit que l’on visite brièvement et dont on ressort comme éberlué et dégoûté. Quelque chose d’horripilant suinte de cette tranchée, et non, ce n’est pas l’air pollué par les voitures qui la traversent, ni même les agressions visuelles des nombreuses enseignes de multinationales la bordant. Mais un sentiment plus profond, plus lourd, celui d’être dans l’un des cœurs des pouvoirs politique et économique, ces pouvoirs qui broient et détruisent tant de visages que nous aimons. Dans les palaces, les cabinets et bureaux du triangle d’or, sont prises à demi-mots des décisions qui ne serviront que les intérêts et l’entre soi de ceux qui les murmurent. Pire encore, en déambulant dans l’avenue nous nous rendons compte de l’inanité de ce pouvoir qui ne raisonne autrement que par intérêt. Ce monde ne vit sans autre idée que l’accumulation cynique : c’est pour un 5 pièces rue Marbeuf qu’un marchand d’armes livre des canons qui broieront des chairs humaines… C’est pour cette montre que ce ministre fermera les yeux sur la toxicité d’un nouveau pesticide et que des enfants naîtront des membres en moins… Pour une voiture de luxe avec siège en cuir que ce rédacteur en chef dressera des louanges d’un candidat à la présidentielle propulsé par l’oligarque détenteur de son journal…
Tout cela, collectivement nous l’avons compris. C’est pourquoi avec tant de force et tant de colère nous avons envahi cette avenue. Nous sommes rentrés au cœur de tous les lieux de vanité, pour récupérer ce qui nous était volé par ces ombres : notre souveraineté politique, notre possibilité d’accéder à notre destin collectif, notre approfondissement de la révolution de 1789.
Dépassé, le pouvoir a fait abattre une répression terrorisante contre nous. Pourtant, pour la première fois depuis mai 68, un mouvement social a fait vaciller l’élite politique et économique Française. Emmanuel Macron a reçu les appels inquiets d’un certains nombres de sommités Parisiennes qui avaient contribué à le faire accéder à ses fonctions… Les champs Élysées étaient en feu et les pontes qui y vivaient en tremblaient. Le président, en monarque menacé, visita les sous-sols de son palais, tandis qu’un hélicoptère était prêt à en décoller -ces gens sont lâches car sans idées, ils ne nous affronteront jamais directement -. Un effondrement structurel était en passe de se produire. Ils auraient pu nous entendre, se soumettre à notre demande mais la décision fut prise de nous terroriser afin que nous n’osions plus prendre la rue : certain d’entre nous furent tués, éborgnés, mutilés, enfermés pour que l’effroi et la peur s’installent dans notre foule. Il serait faux de dire que cela ne nous a pas touché, ne nous pas affaiblis. Chacun d’entre nous a désormais peur avant de se rendre en manifestation. Pourtant nous y allons. Cependant, là où le gouvernement nous a porté le coup le plus dur, c’est en excluant nos luttes de l’espace des champs Élysées, en cantonnant notre force collective loin des lieux de pouvoir que nous venions de retrouver. Ainsi, les mobilisations importantes furent uniquement autorisées par la préfecture (quelques fois avec l’accord de syndicats) dans le Sud ou à l’est de la capitale.
Les manifestations en ces zones de Paris, nous avons pu en faire l’expérience à de multiples reprises, n’ont pas de résultat autre que d’épuiser nos forces dans de vaines processions au milieu de quartiers vides de tout enjeu politique. De là nait l’importance et la nécessité de la reprise l’avenue si nous ne voulons pas voir notre mouvement -que nous pouvons qualifier de révolution- s’éteindre sans accéder à ces buts. De la conscience de notre lutte, et de ses tenants nait en nous une responsabilité : celle de ne pas échouer quand le vivant et l’espoir collectif affrontent la morgue de quelques intérêts individuels. De notre lutte rajoutons le sans présomption dépend l’anéantissement ou l’édénisassions de notre futur.
Comment reprendre les champs ?
Le dispositif policier du 21 septembre a pu nous faire penser qu’il nous était impossible de reprendre cette avenue, pourtant encore une fois nous y sommes arrivés. Brièvement certes. Aussi puissant et intimidant qu’il soit, ce dispositif traîne une faiblesse : à moins qu’un arrêté préfectoral interdisant purement et simplement l’accès aux champs Élysées soit mis en place (ce qui serait un désaveu démocratique extrêmement symbolique), rien ni personne ne peut nous empêcher de nous rendre individuellement sur l’avenue.
Nous devons pour cela nous plier à une discipline collective importante, l’habillement vestimentaire et le contact avec les forces de l’ordre avant d’arriver sur les champs, ne doivent laisser à la police le moindre motif d’interpellation ou de refus d’accès à l’avenue possible. Tous les rassemblements collectifs à proximité des champs et non sur l’avenue en amont de la manifestation sont à proscrire, car ils rendront aisés la dispersion ou la mise en nasse par la police, sans que nous puissions accéder à l’avenue. Le 14 juillet, une multitude de gilets jaunes étaient présents pour huer Macron et sont passés à travers les différents filtrages d’un dispositif policier important, tout comme le 21 septembre. L’unique inconvénient de cette tactique réside dans le fait que les fouilles nous empêcheront de nous doter d’équipements protecteurs lourds. Cette absence d’équipement et de protections lourdes peut se révéler malgré tout être un avantage dans la mesure où elle nous rend plus mobile notre foule devient aussi de ce fait plus diffuse et impossible à cerner pour les autorités. Insistons, nous devons faire masse lors de dates importantes et ne pas perdre de nos forces dans des mobilisations peu suivies et sans impact. En outre, le mouvement en cours doit se revendiquer au centre de toutes les mobilisations sociales et écologiques car il propose une refonte globale du système institutionnel pour faire triompher l’intérêt collectif. Pénétrons sur les champs individuellement et avec discipline noircissons les trottoirs silencieusement de notre masse et quand enfin nous seront des milliers, prenons l’avenue, elle nous appartient. Elle est notre dû.
Conserver les champs nécessitera une intelligence et une activité collective constante sur la durée de la manifestation. Chacun de nous doit être à même de neutraliser les gaz lacrymogènes qui tomberont à proximité de nous (Eteindre avec de l’eau ou du vinaigre, écraser avec les pieds, rejeter sur la police). En outre, une partie d’entre nous se devra de faire face aux charges de la police et nous devrons nous efforcer de maintenir un bloc homogène et solidaire. N’oublions pas, nous n’avons qu’une chose à opposer au pouvoir mortifère et cynique qui prend racine sous les pavés des champs : une masse grouillante, chaude et invincible lorsqu’elle se rend compte de sa force : le peuple.
Un manifestant
Yesterday at 4:45 AM

Friday, October 4, 2019

Germany take over by Afghanistan

bankrupt Germany might find salvation by submitting to Afghan poppies warlords.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

tension in Monaco re freemasons

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

saoudi high ranking death

re obsolete chaos

khazars versus jews

new world orfer care of malta

Sunday, September 29, 2019

its about the earth axe shifting, stupid!

Africa versus masoneria

Saturday, September 28, 2019

re climate farce/racket

re EU gestapo lies

EU gestapo attack violently protesters against the clouds

Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019

re Brasil lassitude with south American chienlit
are gilets jaunes an instrument to train humanophobia barbouses, on a large scale.

France is usually used as a preparatory training field by the masonik nomenklatura, since their French revolution project.

re capital predator, dated financial barbouzes, etc...

economy for humans, versus economy to get rid of humans/humanophobia.

re oceans pollution

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

re women alienation by consumerism industry

re rothschild soros masonik metissage of Europe

end of industrial era pillage?

over 110.000 people protestong in France against the masonic order which strangled the industrial age.
high tech age, with its looming autonomous small communities, its open source knowledge, and its quasi costless lifestyle, is bringing an empty basket to the last two centuries type of pillage. Adding to this the trend to convert natural resources into a shared universal human right, even petrol might not be able to be stolen by a few.
interesting moments.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

re permanent chaos

re freemasons

saoudi mystery

may be a way to find out if the saoudi production facilities destruction was an insiders job type 9/11, would be to trace if bets on barril price increase were placed just before the event.

Monday, September 23, 2019

prince of Monaco restauring order

plan anti migration abusive

et cesser de piller l'Afrique

15 trillions story

meeting somebody interesting

good to know

Sunday, September 22, 2019

bilderberg chaos in France. images

re world war project

mass killings

Serbie, entre Empire Gallo Romain et East Scandinavia

weekly mass media blackout

approx 90.000 descendants of Emperor Charlemagne, marched on French streets, protesting against speculators.

voce violinishta?

reign of speculation over human values

90.000 protesters, gilets jaunes, sept 21 2019

from accurate source.

lnfernet 15.000 French responses to question: do you support gilets jaunes? 90% positives.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

affare epstein

natural resources late payment

would be good if emirates, saoudis, US, Norway, Scotland, etc... Started to pass on overdue human rights natural resources money to the rest of the humanosphere.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

doxxing in Hong Kong

alstom gate tells us a number of things

The US have grown too big for their own sake and the rest of humanity.

extraterritorial justice must be answered by international commercial sanctions and severance of diplomatic ties.

selling strategic assets to foreigners must be veversed, an all participants dealt with for high treason and act of terrorism

selling strategic assets needs to require two thirds majority of a permanent commission including members of the public, experts, gov. admin, and political parties.

major media must make space available for the commission to communicate direct with the public.

ministry of defense must answer inquiries by elected people.
ministery of economy and president need a permanent scrutiny by elected people, with on site teams.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jesuits and Kennedy death

re bad bad boys


arabs and muslims do not seem to fit in Syria

vintage cabales

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

enslavement of historical communities

re EU cabaleDear Lord James of Blackheath, Firstly may I congratulate you on this speech you made in the House of Lords on Friday last. To remind everyone, here is the main body of your speech: “My Lords, a week ago, I wrote a letter to the Lord Speaker in which I suggested that in certain circumstances which might occur, such as this morning, the entire House of Lords is ineligible to sit. I do not intend to pursue this point, but I want to explain why it occurs. I think it is important to us. If the Lisbon treaty is allowed to stand and is not wiped away at midnight on 31 October, we are all, every single man jack of us, in breach of our oath on joining this House because we have allowed the omniscience of Parliament to be reduced by the elimination of the veto which was standing in our benefit until the Lisbon treaty. That has far-reaching consequences which go way beyond us and reach into the Palace and the Crown itself. We need to be aware of those implications. If I am right on that assertion—I have taken it to the Table Office and asked it to think about it, so there must be some professional opinions around—then we would be ineligible to sit today, and it would mean that this Bill cannot pass the House. I am not pursuing that. What I am going to say is that I think the basis on which we are going forward from here is wrong because we have a situation in which we are facing a choice between remain, the no-go solution and, as came very much into focus in the latter stages of yesterday, the possible resurrection of the May deal. The May deal and remain both carry the same consequence that they would still leave us in breach of our oath. We need to have our oaths restored to us, which would happen if at midnight on 31 October if the Lisbon treaty was wiped away. The first person we need to be concerned about in that respect is Her Majesty because we have the power of government placed in our hands by the coronation oath which she swore never to diminish, but we have diminished it for her. In those circumstances, do the British public realise they are being asked to consider a situation which might create a position in which Her Majesty would consider it was essential for her to abdicate? If that occurred, would it ever be possible to resurrect the monarch because nobody else could swear the same coronation oath? Let us be realistic about this. My whole criticism of the situation of opposition to no-go at the moment is that we simply have not informed the British public of what is at stake. It goes way beyond this. We have this wonderful paper called Yellowhammer, which tells us all the dreadful things that will happen if we do go no-go. My secretary has an alternative list that I have complied called the Black Vulture, which is my list of the things that people do not know about which will happen if we do not go no deal. The first is the hazard it creates for the Crown. The second is: will somebody please tell us the truth about the European defence union? This is by far the biggest issue facing the British public and they know nothing about it officially. Can we please have a proper account of what it entails? Is it really true that the Government have entered into private agreements with the European Community that they will, on completion of remain or whatever it is to be, transfer to the European Union in Brussels the entire control of our entire fighting forces, including all their equipment? [Laughter.] Noble Lords may jest, but it has been done and they should check it out. It is too important to ignore. We must know the truth of this. We must have it clear for the whole public to know. I believe it is true, and I think we should be told. I understand that it is intended that the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels. I understand that in recent months, we have had a series of people sent from our Armed Forces to create and install the command and control centres to be used for the control of our troops once we have ceased to have any control over their use, application or deployment. It goes beyond this. They are to take control of our intelligence services, the whole core of Five Eyes. They will have MI6 and the Cheltenham monitoring centre, and we will be completely excluded from it under the new arrangements and have no access either to the— (giving way to Lord Blunkett, Labour).”Dear Lord James of Blackheath, Firstly may I congratulate you on this speech you made in the House of Lords on Friday last. To remind everyone, here is the main body of your speech: “My Lords, a week ago, I wrote a letter to the Lord Speaker in which I suggested that in certain circumstances which might occur, such as this morning, the entire House of Lords is ineligible to sit. I do not intend to pursue this point, but I want to explain why it occurs. I think it is important to us. If the Lisbon treaty is allowed to stand and is not wiped away at midnight on 31 October, we are all, every single man jack of us, in breach of our oath on joining this House because we have allowed the omniscience of Parliament to be reduced by the elimination of the veto which was standing in our benefit until the Lisbon treaty. That has far-reaching consequences which go way beyond us and reach into the Palace and the Crown itself. We need to be aware of those implications. If I am right on that assertion—I have taken it to the Table Office and asked it to think about it, so there must be some professional opinions around—then we would be ineligible to sit today, and it would mean that this Bill cannot pass the House. I am not pursuing that. What I am going to say is that I think the basis on which we are going forward from here is wrong because we have a situation in which we are facing a choice between remain, the no-go solution and, as came very much into focus in the latter stages of yesterday, the possible resurrection of the May deal. The May deal and remain both carry the same consequence that they would still leave us in breach of our oath. We need to have our oaths restored to us, which would happen if at midnight on 31 October if the Lisbon treaty was wiped away. The first person we need to be concerned about in that respect is Her Majesty because we have the power of government placed in our hands by the coronation oath which she swore never to diminish, but we have diminished it for her. In those circumstances, do the British public realise they are being asked to consider a situation which might create a position in which Her Majesty would consider it was essential for her to abdicate? If that occurred, would it ever be possible to resurrect the monarch because nobody else could swear the same coronation oath? Let us be realistic about this. My whole criticism of the situation of opposition to no-go at the moment is that we simply have not informed the British public of what is at stake. It goes way beyond this. We have this wonderful paper called Yellowhammer, which tells us all the dreadful things that will happen if we do go no-go. My secretary has an alternative list that I have complied called the Black Vulture, which is my list of the things that people do not know about which will happen if we do not go no deal. The first is the hazard it creates for the Crown. The second is: will somebody please tell us the truth about the European defence union? This is by far the biggest issue facing the British public and they know nothing about it officially. Can we please have a proper account of what it entails? Is it really true that the Government have entered into private agreements with the European Community that they will, on completion of remain or whatever it is to be, transfer to the European Union in Brussels the entire control of our entire fighting forces, including all their equipment? [Laughter.] Noble Lords may jest, but it has been done and they should check it out. It is too important to ignore. We must know the truth of this. We must have it clear for the whole public to know. I believe it is true, and I think we should be told. I understand that it is intended that the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels. I understand that in recent months, we have had a series of people sent from our Armed Forces to create and install the command and control centres to be used for the control of our troops once we have ceased to have any control over their use, application or deployment. It goes beyond this. They are to take control of our intelligence services, the whole core of Five Eyes. They will have MI6 and the Cheltenham monitoring centre, and we will be completely excluded from it under the new arrangements and have no access either to the— (giving way to Lord Blunkett, Labour).”

Dear Lord James of Blackheath,
Firstly may I congratulate you on this speech you made in the House of Lords on Friday last.
To remind everyone, here is the main body of your speech:
“My Lords, a week ago, I wrote a letter to the Lord Speaker in which I suggested that in certain circumstances which might occur, such as this morning, the entire House of Lords is ineligible to sit. I do not intend to pursue this point, but I want to explain why it occurs. I think it is important to us.
If the Lisbon treaty is allowed to stand and is not wiped away at midnight on 31 October, we are all, every single man jack of us, in breach of our oath on joining this House because we have allowed the omniscience of Parliament to be reduced by the elimination of the veto which was standing in our benefit until the Lisbon treaty. That has far-reaching consequences which go way beyond us and reach into the Palace and the Crown itself. We need to be aware of those implications. If I am right on that assertion—I have taken it to the Table Office and asked it to think about it, so there must be some professional opinions around—then we would be ineligible to sit today, and it would mean that this Bill cannot pass the House. I am not pursuing that.
What I am going to say is that I think the basis on which we are going forward from here is wrong because we have a situation in which we are facing a choice between remain, the no-go solution and, as came very much into focus in the latter stages of yesterday, the possible resurrection of the May deal. The May deal and remain both carry the same consequence that they would still leave us in breach of our oath. We need to have our oaths restored to us, which would happen if at midnight on 31 October if the Lisbon treaty was wiped away.
The first person we need to be concerned about in that respect is Her Majesty because we have the power of government placed in our hands by the coronation oath which she swore never to diminish, but we have diminished it for her. In those circumstances, do the British public realise they are being asked to consider a situation which might create a position in which Her Majesty would consider it was essential for her to abdicate? If that occurred, would it ever be possible to resurrect the monarch because nobody else could swear the same coronation oath? Let us be realistic about this. My whole criticism of the situation of opposition to no-go at the moment is that we simply have not informed the British public of what is at stake. It goes way beyond this.
We have this wonderful paper called Yellowhammer, which tells us all the dreadful things that will happen if we do go no-go. My secretary has an alternative list that I have complied called the Black Vulture, which is my list of the things that people do not know about which will happen if we do not go no deal. The first is the hazard it creates for the Crown. The second is: will somebody please tell us the truth about the European defence union? This is by far the biggest issue facing the British public and they know nothing about it officially. Can we please have a proper account of what it entails? Is it really true that the Government have entered into private agreements with the European Community that they will, on completion of remain or whatever it is to be, transfer to the European Union in Brussels the entire control of our entire fighting forces, including all their equipment? [Laughter.] Noble Lords may jest, but it has been done and they should check it out. It is too important to ignore. We must know the truth of this. We must have it clear for the whole public to know. I believe it is true, and I think we should be told. I understand that it is intended that the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels. I understand that in recent months, we have had a series of people sent from our Armed Forces to create and install the command and control centres to be used for the control of our troops once we have ceased to have any control over their use, application or deployment. It goes beyond this. They are to take control of our intelligence services, the whole core of Five Eyes. They will have MI6 and the Cheltenham monitoring centre, and we will be completely excluded from it under the new arrangements and have no access either to the— (giving way to Lord Blunkett, Labour).”

to do list

rescue bankrupt middle east guard dogs saoudis.
bring chaos into Iran. Easy pitch against iuninvited mollahs in Persia.

chine trying to get their turkik fifth column into savvy yourape

Monday, September 16, 2019

re EU ongoing farce

exitng the madness

The Bruges Group

I passionately believe that I can strike a Brexit deal within weeks
Despite the Remainer attempt to crush Brexit, I am working flat out to ensure we leave on October 31
Let us be in no doubt as to what has really happened in Parliament in the last couple of weeks. Let there be no ambiguity about the underlying motive. A large number of MPs – though by no means all – are simply trying to crush Brexit. In spite of all that they promised – and voted for – they just want to stop this country from ever leaving the European Union.
This isn’t about trying to block a so-called “no deal” Brexit. Any such claim is utterly disingenuous. It’s about trying to stop Brexit from happening at all – and the opposition parties have emerged in their true anti-democratic colours. They are united in wanting to cancel the referendum result – Labour, SNP, Lib Dems – and overturn the will of the people. They are so desperate to get round the electorate that they will not even agree to an election. They have turned it down twice. Why?
I am afraid there is only ever one explanation for such hesitation. They fear they would lose. So instead they have engineered this country’s biggest ever exercise in pointless parliamentary procrastination. They hope that Brexit can be somehow delayed beyond Oct 31, and that the calls for a second referendum will (so they deceive themselves) become overwhelming, and Brexit would be at least temporarily abandoned.
I believe they are making a huge mistake. It is not just a question of the extra dither and delay – more long months of rancour and division, and all at huge expense in payments to Brussels. It is worse than that. This is about democracy. The people of this country were asked to vote on whether they wanted to stay in the EU, or leave. It was right and proper that they should be asked. After more than 40 years of membership, the EU has avowedly morphed into something very different from the proposition of the mid-Seventies.
It has become a political union, with a conscious and self-proclaimed ambition to take ever more powers to central federal institutions in Brussels, and to build a European political “identity”. Naturally, there will be many who regard this project as a high ideal. But as a system of government, it is – even according to its supporters – remote, bureaucratic, costly, opaque and its signature economic project, the euro, has had harsh consequences for many member states.
When the British people were asked to vote on their future in this steadily federalising body, they thought hard. When they voted, it was the biggest exercise in democracy this country has ever seen. If that result is now cancelled, it will be telling the people that their votes don’t count. It will be telling them that if they decide on a course of which the establishment disapproves, then they will be fobbed off for three and a half years, and then contradicted. We are witnessing an attempt to humiliate the verdict of the nation.
As for the impact of these parliamentary manoeuvres upon our friends in the rest of the EU – the Surrender Act is of course making any Brexit deal harder to achieve. That is because the very purpose of the Act is to weaken the UK’s negotiating hand in Brussels, and to give crucial cards to the EU. There has been nothing like it in history. The intention of the Act is to force the UK prime minister to go to Brussels and beg to stay in beyond Oct 31; and – incredibly – it would in practice allow the EU to decide how long the UK should remain locked in.
Leaving aside any real and practical consequences, its effect is completely contrary to the UK’s interests – because it has at least given the impression to our partners that the UK is no longer either fully able or determined to leave on Oct 31.
In so far as that impression has been given, it is wrong. We will leave by that date – deal or no deal. Yes, it may now be harder to get a deal, since MPs seem set on tying the Government’s hand behind its back. But we are working flat out to get one.
If we can make enough progress in the next few days, I intend to go to that crucial summit on Oct 17, and finalise an agreement that will protect the interests of business and citizens on both sides of the Channel, and on both sides of the border in Ireland. I believe passionately that we can do it, and I believe that such an agreement is in the interests not just of the UK but also of our European friends.
We have all spent too long on this question. And if we can get that deal, then of course there will be time for Parliament to scrutinise and approve it before the end of October. But be in no doubt that if we cannot get a deal – the right deal for both sides – then the UK will come out anyway. It is not and never has been the outcome that I want, but our preparations are by now very extensive. Yes, there may be difficulties ahead, but we will overcome them all. Recent reports reflect a very worst case scenario for which officials are obliged to plan, and we have made huge progress in dealing with those issues. We are confident, and we will be ready.
And then we will be able to put this whole divisive debate behind us, and get on with uniting the country and unleashing its talents. We will get on with cutting crime, and investing in hospitals, and in our schools, and we will finally be able to take advantage of Brexit.
We will be able to do things differently, and in the interests of the UK economy – from launching free ports to cutting VAT on sanitary products; from a points-based migration system to new tax breaks for capital investment; from new global free trade agreements to banning shark fin soup and the cruel export of live animals.
What on earth is the point of any further delay? Jeremy Corbyn would keep us in at a cost of £250 million a week. That’s enough to build a new hospital – pointlessly blown on the EU. It’s madness. Let’s end the wrangling, get this thing done, and set this country on a brighter, more cheerful, more confident and more global path – and let’s come out of the EU on Oct 31.