Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Syrian lady statement

France, institutions degradation

why climate fraud?

nobel price versus bilderberg FrancePublicado em 28 de jul de 2019 Christophe Guerreiro, ancien casque bleu, prix Nobel de la Paix, exprime ses sentiments amers et de colère, notamment contre la police, après 17 heures de garde à vue, pour avoir porté ses barrettes de décoration. Une honte, un scandale! Un témoignage précieux. Un témoignage lourd de sens, important pour la compréhension de l'évolution du conflit entre l'usurpateur Macron et les vrais Français qui défendent leur patrie. "Lors du jugement, les méchants ne se relèveront pas." La 37ème édition des mobilisations jaunes marque la persistance, la permanence de la révolution citoyenne, qui n'en est qu'à ses débuts. Un signe très encourageant de l'engagement des vrais Français contre l'ignominie macronienne. Les gilets jaunes sont la glus dans laquelle s'est englué Macron. Le mouvement des gilets est le mouvement qui a signé la perte du président usurpateur. Rien, il ne pourra rien contre la déchéance qui l'attend, car aucun dirigeant ne peut durablement et impunément gouverner contre un peuple, surtout au pays des droits de l'homme et du citoyen. Après la canicule estivale, la rentrée conservera les chaudes couleurs de la révolte, celles du soleil, elle promet d'être orageuse, car les gilets jaunes ne lâcheront rien et ne se laisseront plus maltraité(e)s.

Publicado em 28 de jul de 2019
Christophe Guerreiro, ancien casque bleu, prix Nobel de la Paix, exprime ses sentiments amers et de colère, notamment contre la police, après 17 heures de garde à vue, pour avoir porté ses barrettes de décoration. Une honte, un scandale! Un témoignage précieux.  Un témoignage lourd de sens, important pour la compréhension de l'évolution du conflit entre l'usurpateur Macron et les vrais Français qui défendent leur patrie.

"Lors du jugement, les méchants ne se relèveront pas."
La 37ème édition des mobilisations jaunes marque la persistance, la permanence de la révolution citoyenne, qui n'en est qu'à ses débuts. Un signe très encourageant de l'engagement des vrais Français contre l'ignominie macronienne.
Les gilets jaunes sont la glus dans laquelle s'est englué Macron. Le mouvement des gilets est le mouvement qui a signé la perte du président usurpateur. Rien, il ne pourra rien contre la déchéance qui l'attend, car aucun dirigeant ne peut durablement et impunément gouverner contre un peuple, surtout au pays des droits de l'homme et du citoyen.
Après la canicule estivale, la rentrée conservera les chaudes couleurs de la révolte, celles du soleil, elle promet d'être orageuse, car les gilets jaunes ne lâcheront rien et ne se laisseront plus maltraité(e)s.

Habsburg Brazil

anti gov elements

Tuesday, July 30, 2019



mettre un tigre dans son assiette

US, former orld master

salt water plus rust = free electricity

building paradise again

quick coral

EU slaves import

changes in the labour market

head of a Frencch ppolice syndicate re chemicals against cityzens

re amateurism in state cyber spying

re Israel reality

Monday, July 29, 2019

fishing monkey

latiin America versus white house

Mercedes on sea
Pour la quatrième fois consécutive ne l'espace de moins d'une semaine, des Qassef K2 s'attaquent aux aéroports saoudiens. Des attaques sans relâche des forces yéménites contre les aéroports militaires, les hangars et des centres de commande des unités de drones saoudiens ont poussé l'armée saoudienne à recourir à un leurre.  Riyad se sert des aéroports civils pour lancer des frappes aériennes contre les cibles au Yémen et surtout pour s'éviter les frappes au missile et au drone d'Ansarallah. Au sud saoudien, des milliers de vols de ligne sont suspendus. Le contrôle du ciel commence peu à peu à échapper à Riyad.    Les forces yéménites ont lancé des attaques de drones contre l’aéroport d’Abha dans la province d'Asir ainsi que les centres de contrôle des drones dans l'aéroport de Najran

re laws

to be paid back

the new rule of autonomous cities

In France, 60% of GDP comes from a few metropoles which function more and more autonomously. End of the dtate.


Les américains ont mis au point un vaste système d'armement capable de : - Scanner les entrailles de la terre à la recherche de bases secrètes, - D'interrompre toute forme de communication hertzienne, - D'influencer les comportements humains, - De modifier la météorologie, - De griller les avions dans le ciel comme le ferait un vulgaire four à micro-ondes de votre potage, - De provoquer des tremblements de terre - Ou des explosions aussi puissantes qu'une bombe atomique. Avec le "Haarp", l'armée américaine serait en train de rééditer, sous une forme plus économique et plus dangereuse encore, son projet "Star Wars" ou Guerre des étoiles. A une différence près : il s'agit cette fois d'une installation terrestre. Les initiales HAARP signifient en anglais "High-frequency Active Auroral Research" (recherches dans le domaine des hautes fréquences appliquées aux aurores boréales.) De prime abord, derrière ces initiales un peu ésotériques, se cache un projet de 30 millions de dollars de co°t annuel que l'armée américaine présente comme d'innocente recherches sur l'ionosphère. Néanmoins, il est difficile de croire qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un projet à des fins militaires lorsque l'on sait que les vrais bailleurs de fond sont la Navy, l'Air Force et le Département de la Défense. Haarp est relié à l'un des ordinateurs les plus puissants de la planète à l'université d'Alaska dans le Butrovich building. Quant à son aspect physique, il s'agit somme toute d'un vaste périmètre plat et déboisé, planté de 48 antennes de 20 mètres de haut, reliées chacune à un émetteur d'un peu moins de 1 million de watts de puissance. A terme, le nombre d'antennes et la puissance des émetteurs sont appelés à se multiplier pour atteindre la puissance phénoménale de 1 milliard de watts émis par un réseau de 360 antennes. Les émetteurs sont alimentés en énergie par 6 turbines de 3.600 CV brûlant quelque 95 tonnes de diesel par jour. A quoi ça sert ? .../...

bank run

Les clients institutionnels retirent 1 milliard de dollars par jour de la Deutsche Bank

Sunday, July 28, 2019

leaks re global government spadassin

Germany on the ropes

pilot hijacking of petrol station-gilets jaunes facebook vdeo

drugs question

Les Israéliens au sommet du trafic de drogue mondial ? Mexico : deux Israéliens abattus dans un "règlement de compte entre groupes criminels"


Alexandre Coutinho The idea of tolerate a minimum state is as bizarre as tolerate a huge state States are monopolistic agencies of the use of force and legislative production - and their consequently need to have a violent and effective system of law enforcement. They are intrinsically anti-ethical institutions and war promoters, systematized violence, capital destruction and savings, and behavioral engineering through direct coercion and hundred mechanisms of indirect coercion. States do not exist to defend the common good, nor have they emerged from a social contract (even that being defined as an unspoken agreement) State is the institutionalisation of the "Stationary thug" that emerged from the formation of armed groups organized to promote looting against productive individuals State is institutionalized theft (legalized plunder) The supposed public interest which it is supposed to defend is only the interest of organized groups with greater lobby capacity and logrolling, disguised as the common good And even if the "Collective interest" indeed existed, it would be the state a mere mechanism of irrational application of a collectivist utilitarianism. An absurd idea from the organization between the usurpers, tyrants and kleptocrats. Brake and weight mechanisms are just abstract concepts printed in formal documents. The application of such concepts is virtually impossible, given the huge amount of gaps and contradictions in the theory of the social contract itself that supports the concept of state. The institutional system itself of power control, limitation of the performance of the institutions, contigenciamento of spending and restrictions on the abusive use of representative power or constitutional powers already demand the creation of a series of new institutions: courts of auditors, corregedorias, Audits, attorneys and such, and each demand its own internal bureaucratic structure such as offices, consultancies, institutional spokesperson and so on. Minimum State is a fiction as fantasy as democracy. Every political arrangement naturally tends to a centralisation of power, increase in the field of juspositivista acting to the expense of individual rights and usurpation of natural rights starting with property, which is the foundation of a free socio-legal order Constitutions are abstractions of theoretical and utopian about a model of social organization. What matters is a natural order based on natural order to promote radical decentralization and continuous secessions guided by goals such as the preservation of free, peaceful social order and a free market laissez faire promoting continuous capital formation, and the cultivation of virtues such as Charity, courage, creativity, Entrepreneurship, altruism and respect to ethics. That's what a civilization is about. Not about a bunch of socialist and totalitarian concepts printed in a booklet.

war school world view

Saturday, July 27, 2019

terrorism versus big brother

management tools


Poland turning into Sahara

"Statistiquement, un Polonais dispose de 1.600 m3 d'eau par an, soit trois fois moins que la moyenne dans l'Union européenne. Nos ressources sont comparables à celles de l'Egypte", a alerté en juin la Cour des comptes polonaise (NIK), qui a intitulé son rapport "Pologne, désert d'Europe". La moyenne européenne est de 4.500 m3 par an et par habitant. Le record est détenu par la Croatie, avec 27.330 m3, selon l'Eurostat. La République tchèque affiche un niveau comparable à celui de la Pologne. Chypre et Malte ferment la marche, ce dernier pays ne disposant que de 220 m3 par habitant.

tax on electric cars

Netherlands and Norway thinking of taxing electric cars re increased damage to roads

re Mercosul CPLP EU single market Indians

AI negatives

China Africa Town

re mobile networks hurdles

global security risks

Politique de défense Général Lecointre : « Il faut être prêt à s’engager pour un conflit de survie » par Laurent Lagneau · 26 juillet 2019 Lors de la dernière édition de la Conférence des ambassadeurs, en août 2018, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ne put que confirmer et compléter les propos qu’il avait déjà tenus quand il était à l’Hôtel de Brienne pour décrire les dernières évolutions du contexte international. « Nous vivons dans une période de tension et de conflictualité » avec une « rupture » sur le plan de la sécurité, « se manifestant par la multiplication des crises aux portes de l’Europe » et une autre dans celui de l’économie, « liée aux déséquilibres commerciaux que risquent d’aggraver les tentations de guerre économique », avait en effet affirmé le chef de la diplomatie française. Lors de sa dernière à l’Assemblée nationale, le chef d’état-major des armées [CEMA], le général François Lecointre, est entré dans le détail des menaces actuelles. Ainsi, après avoir de nouveau critiqué les « dividendes de la paix » qui, après 1991, « allaient provoquer pertes de capacités et diminution de la réactivité des armées », il a évoqué un contexte marqué par le terrorisme qui « se développe en même temps que l’expansion incessante de menaces hybrides », « l’apparition de nouveaux champs de conflictualité » et une « désinhibition tout à fait frappante de l’usage de la violence et de la force. » Aussi, pour le CEMA, nous entrons dans une ère qui « combine, d’une certaine façon, les caractéristiques de périodes précédentes, sur fond de risque climatique, d’épuisement des ressources et d’inégalités de développement. » Et, a-t-il ajouté, elle faut « surtout réapparaître la crainte de menaces existentielles, à même de saper les fondements de notre Nation. » Et « cette période nous expose à trois grandes formes de conflictualité, qui se conjuguent », a relevé le général Lecointre. Ainsi, a-t-il dit, « un affrontement majeur apparaît aujourd’hui comme une potentialité réelle ». Selon lui, « l’armement de la Chine, l’affirmation de puissances régionales avec des prétentions nucléaires, le jeu de la Russie, la concurrence à la puissance américaine ou les déséquilibres autour du golfe Arabo-Persique sont de nature à provoquer un point de rupture. » Et cela conduit le CEMA à estimer qu’il « faut être prêt à s’engager pour un ‘conflit de survie’, seul ou en coalition, rapidement et dans la durée. » Et cela demandera des « moyens de haute technologie car ce conflit se déroulera dans les champs habituels, mais aussi dans ceux qui échappaient jusqu’ici à la conflictualité militaire. » Et, a poursuivi le général Lecointre, « le déni d’accès de certains espaces et les stratégies indirectes, avec un rapport coût efficacité aujourd’hui à la portée de petits compétiteurs, pourraient préfigurer ce type de conflit. » En outre, les affrontements de nature « asymétrique » n’ont pas disparu. Loin de là même. « Le terrorisme persiste. Il mute. Il intègre opportunément toutes les revendications ethniques, religieuses, idéologiques ou identitaires » tandis que les groupes terroristes « s’approprient les nouvelles technologies et savent investir tous les champs, exigeant de notre part une palette complète de réponses militaires », a expliqué le CEMA. Enfin, ce dernier n’exclut pas qu’une ou plusieurs « crises profondes » puissent « déstabiliser sérieusement les grands équilibres mondiaux. » Ces crises pourraient être de « nature démographique, climatique ou d’accès à l’eau » et elles « ne manqueront pas d’affecter l’Afrique », ce qui aura « de lourdes conséquences pour la stabilité de l’Europe tout entière », a prévenu le général Lecointre. « Je pense que nous devons absolument nous y préparer et l’intégrer dans notre modèle d’armée, d’autant que cette typologie de la menace n’exclut pas la simultanéité des occurrences et que chaque type d’affrontement se conjuguera dans le temps et l’espace. Nous devons être capables d’anticiper et de voir venir ces menaces ou ces conjugaisons de menaces, mais aussi de créer les coalitions qui nous permettront d’y faire face », a-t-il ensuite fait valoir auprès des députés. Après des années de contraintes budgétaires qui ont entamé le potentiel et les capacités des forces françaises, l’exécution à l’euro près de la Loi de programmation militaire [LPM] 2019-25, qui met l’accent sur la « remontée en puissance », est essentielle. En l’état actuel des choses, et « au rythme actuel des commandes et livraisons » des munitions, les forces françaises ne seront « toujours pas pas capables de soutenir un engagement majeur en 2022 », a souligné le général Lecointre. « Pour la défense sol-air, surface-air, l’engagement air-air, ainsi que pour la lutte antinavire, nos stocks ne nous permettent déjà pas de faire face à la situation opérationnelle de référence », a-t-il précisé. Qui plus est, « nous avons encore des trous capacitaires, notamment dans les domaines de la projection stratégique, du renseignement par drone, du ravitaillement à la mer et de l’aéromobilité, ce qui nous rend dépendants de nos alliés américains, otaniens et européens, ainsi que des contrats d’affrètement », a encore cité le CEMA. Enfin, a-t-il aussi fait remarquer, la « disponibilité technique opérationnelle de certaines de nos flottes d’aéronefs demeure à un niveau faible, de l’ordre de 50 % à 60 % pour les flottes d’hélicoptères de l’armée de Terre, de patrouilleurs maritimes de la Marine et d’avions de transport tactique de l’armée de l’Air. » D’où l’importance cruciale, dans ces conditions, de la bonne exécution de la LPM, qui « prend en compte » cette nécessité de réparer nos capacités, en particulier les difficultés et les carences structurelles dont nous souffrons », a plaidé le général Lecointre.

Friday, July 26, 2019

chilldren trafficking

artist interviews

US open war against Europe

Once you analyse Alsthomgate, you understand we are in a war without merci.

anticonstitutional press alienation in France

Eric Montana compartió un enlace en el grupo Esprits Libres du Monde. L'information n'existe plus en France et les 76% de nos concitoyens qui ne font plus confiance aux médias sous contrôle sioniste, sont la preuve que les gens l'ont compris. Quand en plus, on apprend que le PDG de l'une des trois agences de presse mondiales, à savoir l'AFP, se fait convoquer comme un vulgaire domestique par le CRIF, pour resserrer les boulons et exiger une présentation de l'information plus favorable à Israël, chacun réalise que nous avons raison de rechercher l'information véritable sur des médias alternatifs et libres sur Internet. Il est temps que la domination sioniste sur notre pays soit dénoncée haut et fort car le pouvoir sioniste étouffe toutes nos libertés, à commencer par la liberté d'expression et l'accès à une véritable information, débarrassée de la propagande favorable à Israël. Trop c'est trop.

admirable real France

organised crime

Europe at war

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Montebourg, un gars bien.

some people enjoy wasting their time

re adventurers spreading global nonsense

destruction of France

The grandiose Germano French oligarkic fusion might end up in ashes with the renaissant Lotharingian sphinx collecting the golden role.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

arksic French regime

Edwy Plenel @edwyplenel Le présidentialisme français, ce monarchisme archaïque, crée une culture de la servitude volontaire. Nouvelle preuve avec le procureur de Nice dans l'affaire Legay. Aussi nous faut-il des gardiens de la République sachant dire non à l'abus de pouvoir.

return of democracy in the UK

Justin Shasha shared a link to the group: The Bruges Group. Allister Heath: Boris Johnson's brilliant Brexit dream team proves that he is deadly serious The Tory grassroots may dare to hope.. Could this finally be The One? The Government all true conservatives, all true Eurosceptics and all true free-marketeers have spent years pining for? The first genuinely centre-Right government since Margaret Thatcher, committed to changing Britain in deep, radical ways? It rarely pays to hope in politics: incompetence, weakness, betrayal, venality and events almost always conspire to shatter dreams. Failure is the norm; success is the twice-in-a century exception. The outlook is especially inauspicious today: Boris Johnson won’t even be granted a honeymoon such is the Remainer establishment’s loathing of him, and he cannot count on a majority of MPs in Parliament. He could easily end up as the shortest-lived PM in history. Read Allister Heath's latest column on every Wednesday night from 9.30pm But despite all of these obvious, almost overwhelming dangers, the early signs are that there is at least a chance that something extraordinary might happen, for the first time since the early 1980s. Contrary to what the naysayers had claimed, there is a plan, there is a method and there are the people to deliver it. Johnson is a chairman, a delegator who is best when he sets down a vision, parameters and broad policies and entrusts others to deliver the detail: his effectiveness depends entirely upon the quality of the people he appoints. He eventually pulled that off in London. He was handed a team on a plate at Vote Leave, and shone. He had no structures and trusted personnel around him immediately after the referendum, hence chaos; and was equally isolated at the Foreign Office, hence at the mercy of hostile forces. So the great, make or break questions for Johnson this time around were whether he would appoint a proper team, immediately, and what its intellectual and ideological composition would be. He didn’t disappoint. Johnson’s decision to purge the Cabinet of anybody who couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver was spot on: many of his critics feared that he would be too weak to wield the axe. Instead, he proved ruthless and decisive, launching the most radical reshaping of a Cabinet outside of a change of party in living memory. It’s do or die, and he means it. His appointments so far have been exceptional – as good as they could have been from a free market and Eurosceptic perspective. Take the top three Cabinet jobs: Sajid Javid, a free marketeer with a superb grip of economics and finance, now has it in his gift to become one of Britain’s great Chancellors; Priti Patel, a principled Thatcherite, will be a radical anti-crime Home Secretary; and Dom Raab will project a pro-Brexit vision of Global Britain as Foreign Secretary. All three are children of immigrants; all three embody the great pro-capitalist Tory meritocratic ethic of the 1980s. But it was Johnson’s first big appointment of the day that was the most significant, and confirmed his seriousness: he hired Dominic Cummings, the best centre-Right political strategist of the past 30 years and Vote Leave’s campaign director, as his senior adviser. Cummings, who relishes forcing recalcitrant institutions to change, is entirely committed to seeing Britain leave the EU, and will ensure that the whole Government makes that its one priority. His ally Michael Gove is in charge of the Civil Service, making radical reform even more likely. In effect, a hybrid of Vote Leave and Johnson’s trusted London advisers will be in total control of No 10 and the Tory party machinery, as should have been the case since 2016; taken as a whole, they are the most talented group of political operatives to be in Downing Street since the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown years. On top of Cummings, Johnson aides include the excellent Sir Eddie Lister, David Frost and Munira Mirza, among others. Let us hope that Javid now appoints Matthew Elliott, who co-chaired his leadership campaign, to No 11 Downing Street and then the whole Vote Leave team will be reunited. Johnson has a dual mission: he must take back control, from Brussels and from Whitehall, and then embark on a transformation of Britain’s economy, society and political institutions to ensure our freedom and prosperity in a world where threats and opportunities are magnified by globalisation, and where technology is more important than ever. The hurdles are immense. He must deliver a proper Brexit, with October 31 an absolute deadline; he will also need to take on, defeat and mould for his own purposes the machinery of the British state. Both challenges are monumental and inter-linked: at least Brussels will now realise that the Brexiteers are finally in power. Yet the fight at home will be just as tough: Johnson faces a powerful establishment consensus, a gigantic blob that includes much of the Civil Service, the quangocracy, the charity sector, academia, cultural institutions and swathes of corporate lobbyists, all committed to shifting the status quo in an ever-more Left-wing and corporatist direction. They have all been busy following the playbook of Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Marxist philosopher who understood that cultural hegemony was the sure path to political triumph. As a result, this Leftist-industrial complex has grown ever more influential in recent decades: astonishingly, we live in a country where branches of the state are fighting the elected Government, seeking to impose their own agenda on crime or social issues, campaigning against Brexit, or waging politicised vendettas against dissidents. Much of this was encouraged by Remainers in the Cabinet in search of outriders, and by Mrs May, who sometimes thought it was her job to represent fashionable elite opinion to the people, rather than the other way around. It will take a herculean effort to turn this around; the appointment of Cummings suggests that a fight-back is now on the cards. If Johnson survives Brexit and the inevitable 2019 general election, he will have to upgrade Britain. We need a new constitutional settlement and a new Civil Service; refreshed monetary institutions led by a world-class governor of the Bank of England who believes in making a success of a self-governing Britain; and a fiscal and economic revolution to attract capital. Will Johnson succeed? On the face of it, the probabilities are poor, but I’m suddenly feeling strangely optimistic. Read Allister Heath's latest column on every Wednesday night from 9.30pm

when checks and balances become a mirage

Justin Shasha shared a link to the group: The Bruges Group. FT IN MELTDOWN A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the London office of a Conservative MP who was in despair at the prospect that Boris Johnson is poised to become leader of his party, and then prime minister. We chatted about politics and about what books we had been reading. I mentioned that I had just finished Sebastian Haffner’s memoir, Defying Hitler. “I’ve got it right here,” replied the MP, reaching back into his shelves. “Isn’t it brilliant?” It struck me as significant that we had both been reading about the 1930s to try and make sense of 2019. Neither of us believe that Mr Johnson or Donald Trump are reincarnations of Hitler or Mussolini. But we had both found Haffner’s memoir interesting for another, more subtle, reason. It provides an extraordinary insight into what it feels like to live through a period of political turmoil. Haffner’s memoir was written in 1939 — just before the outbreak of the second world war and the Holocaust. He was seven at the start of the first world war in 1914 and left Germany to go into exile in 1938. His book (which was only discovered by his son in 1999, as he cleared up his father’s papers after his death), provides a contemporary sense of what it felt like to watch the Nazis rise to power — and the fears, doubts and moral dilemmas that are thrown up as a new and disturbing kind of politics emerges. Then, as now, political moderates were constantly having to ask the question, how serious is this? Is it just distasteful or is it truly dangerous? And is the right response to plunge into politics or to retreat into private life? In today’s Britain, the Conservative party has swung towards the nationalist right, and the Labour party has been taken over by the radical left. That leaves many centrists politically homeless. Haffner captures that feeling, when he writes of, “We — that indefinite we, with no name, no party, no argument and no power.” The complaints by today’s populists that a “deep state” in the US and Britain is thwarting the will of the people is reminiscent of Haffner’s description of the far-right in Germany in the 1920s: “With deep hatred they coined the word ‘system’ for the impalpable force that held them within bounds . . . For the moment, at least, they were held within bounds.” A well-read young lawyer, Haffner nurtured a deep intellectual contempt for the Nazis and “their revolting jargon, every syllable of which implied a violent stupidity”. But this contempt turned out to be a political trap because, “I was inclined not to take them very seriously — a common attitude among their inexperienced opponents, which helped them a lot.” At every turn, he wrestled with the question of how bad things would get. Shortly after the Nazis took power he “felt distinctly that what had happened so far was merely disgusting and no more. But what was in the offing had something more apocalyptic about it.” As events drifted in an ever more dangerous direction, Haffner and his friends adopted different psychological defence mechanisms. One strong temptation was simply to stop paying attention to the news and “shut one’s windows tightly and withdraw into the four walls of one’s private life.” Another was to take comfort in the things that had not changed — the parts of the state and of public life that still seemed solid and familiar. So, looking back to 1933, the year Hitler became German chancellor, Haffner notes that, “The chancellor could daily utter the vilest abuse against the Jews.” But, on the other hand, “the process of the law was not changed at all.” Germany’s institutions and checks-and-balances were still in place. So is it a mistake to believe that the violent rhetoric of an authoritarian leader matters less than the institutions of the state? In retrospect, Haffner notes ruefully, “I must admit that I was inclined to view the undisturbed functioning of the law, and indeed the continued normal course of daily life, as a triumph over the Nazis”. But, in 1933, as he was working in a law library, storm troopers broke into the building and started expelling Jewish readers. To his shame, Haffner found himself having to reassure the interlopers that he was not Jewish. Reading that passage now is shocking. But, searching for some perspective on 2019, it is also comforting, since it seems so remote from what is imaginable today. The US president has just told black, Hispanic and Muslim congresswomen to “go back” to the “places from which they came”. Britain’s likely incoming prime minister has said that Muslim women wearing the niqab look like letter boxes. But it still seems unimaginable that storm troopers might one day drive minority groups out of public places. But when do you sound the alarm? From exile in London, Haffner reflected: “It took me quite a while to realise that my youthful excitability was right and my father’s wealth of experience was wrong; that there are things that cannot be dealt with by calm scepticism.” My instinctive reaction to the rise of Mr Johnson and the rhetoric of Mr Trump is still “calm scepticism”. But then again, I’m at roughly the same stage of life as Haffner’s father was in 1933.

cost: 1 million today, will cost near zero within decades

explosives; how to

decaying French regime

Allegedly various administrations stopped listening to the Elysee. 10% of registered voters selected macron, which makes him constitutionally elected, but without legitimacy. That, in spite of the old political networks rallying behind him, and the recrutment of a thirty something uneducated unexperienced cohorte to create the illusion of freshness. All mainstream media, belonging to a handful of state funds dependant oligarks, pushed the story full steam, as well, in vain. It has now become near impossible to recrute quality staff in the government. The transfer of national sovereignty to Bruxel EU is illegal due to the NON at the 2015 referendum. Whichever aspect of government you consider, nobody seem to be in charge. Looks like most of France is now being ignored by the hightech Atlantic to Ural, social economic Lotharingian epicentre.


UK Boris road map

UK escape from a declining EU trading block

US, now a regional power?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Africa come back
Boris’ No Deal Brexit Plan Gets Green Light From Bank as EU Runs Scared

re political chaos in France

great interview re political chaos in France

Brazil: poverty for more

Monday, July 22, 2019

russian secret services hacked

re US caliphat

re masons

like mosaic?

Description of paradise by Lena Rocha

Lena Rocha Sempre sou invadida pela força Nordestina, que trago em mim, que nunca me impediu de por um fim, nas discórdias de outras partes do País, que não tem olhos limpos para ver o que o Nordeste tem .Aqui, no Rio Grande do Norte, há tudo de belo e bom, tem o frio lá da Serra de Martins e outras mais, que dá frutas como a uva, café e outras delícias de inigualável sabor , tem o calor, de Mossoró , onde a Cultura reside, povo bom e inteligente, que consegue lutar e vencer, sem medo de Malfeitor, lá tem Mulheres sempre exemplo de bravura e de amor. Ceará, Piauí e Maranhão , tem belezas da natureza, que outras terras também tem, mas lá o povo respeita, até quem não lhe quer bem. Bahia, Aracaju e Alagoas, lugares de grandes ares , que enaltecem o Brasil. Nosso Nordeste é tão bonito que todo Brasileiro , vem passar férias aqui, lugar da nossa morada e ficam tão encantados que querem voltar para morar .Impossível, esqueçer nossa querida Paraíba , terra de pessoas boas e qualificadas , que exaltam meu Nordeste, tornando-o glorioso , pessoas lindas e que só fazem o bem, a todos já fizeram a mim também . Não me sinto incomodada de ser tida como “Paraíba “, porque é uma terra fincada de forma firme e evoluída . No Nordeste temos nomes de líderes Mundiais, que não precisam fritar Hamburgo, para ter notoriedade , aqui em qualquer cidade , há imensa relevância , pois nossa proeminência vem, do saber cultural, onde na terra Natal , nasceu Câmara Cascudo, um Mestre entre tantos outros , que como Suassuna, nos marcou decentemente , e no Nordeste há pessoas de intensa desenvoltura , como foi Augusto dos Anjos, um Poeta conhecido, que dedicou sua vida a ser um Paraibano, recitando o Simbolismo e o Parnasianismo, nos deu a honra de nascer , em Cruz do Espírito Santo, na querida Paraíba . Paraíba , terra forte de onde vieram ,meus pais , que viveram um grande amor, e todos os seus descendentes Nordestinos também , cada um se destacou , naquilo que faz tão bem, dá valor as pessoas de todos os rincões e nem ouve, coisas bobas que são ditas sem pensar, mas é bom ficar sabendo que quem magoar um Nordestino é o mesmo que matar . Lena Rocha !

Sunday, July 21, 2019

it is colder

US on the ropes- re Iran

30 million extra judicial killings, and counting

REAL NEWS @BlueDot2018 America's campaign of endless wars has taken the lives of at least 30 million people, since the close of the Second World War. This relentless quest for uncontested global dominance has now fixed its imperial crosshairs on the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Israel, father of Daesh

re Helleno catholicisme

protecting French people from submission

methodic destruction of France

Roman Prefecture of Gaule reactivation?

growing ice

Saturday, July 20, 2019

chemtrais news

liberalism: diktatur of the past

why Israel state on Syrian territory???

Raphaëlle Desquil está com Jacob Cohen. Benjamin Freedman, ex sioniste du premier cercle et converti au catholicisme, explique dans son texte "La tyrannie cachée"...…/la-tyrann…/ qu'Israël, création des Rothschild, n'a jamais été un projet religieux ou biblique mais une entreprise maffieuse visant à contrôler le canal de Suez, voie d'accès plus directe (que par le cap de Bonne Espérance) aux gigantesques richesses accumulées (par "la famille") en Extrême Orient au moyen du trafic de drogue (Opium en Chine). Pour contraindre, un peu partout, les Juifs (dont les Rothschilds avaient besoin) à peupler Israël contre leur volonté, des attentats ont été commis pour les terroriser et les faire fuir le pays dans lequel ils vivaient, comme à Bagdag en 1951 ou au Maroc...

re Deutsche Bank chaos

sovietik EU

Ian56 @Ian56789 EU Parliament is a PR scam like the Duma in Stalin's USSR. ALL EU laws & policies are decided & initiated by unelected EU Commissioners, Presidents & Council of Ministers - which is EUSSR's EXACT equivalent of Kremlin's Politburo. Tony Benn spoke the Truth And since things don't work, sovietik repression of liberty of expression;

Shakespeare was born 500 000 years ago

Mexican Texas

Mexicans do not understand why they cannot live in Texas, which is their country.

kabyles and Kurds, both enslaved by Arabs and muslims
Bangla Itihash The Pirates of the Bay of Bengal (মগ / মাঘ দস্যু - Magh Pirates) : Bengali literature has often used the term Mog pirates while referring to stories from the past. They were referred to as violent and cunning pirates who kidnapped and murdered young children and sold them off as slaves. Here, the Mogs or Maghas was the term used by Bengalis to describe Arakanese or Rakhine people of the Arakan( comprising of the Arakan region in present day Myanmar). Mohan Ghosh wrote in his book ‘Magh Raiders of Bengal’ that, “In 8th century under the Hindu revivalist leader, Sankaracharijya, Buddhists in India were persecuted in large-scale. In Magadah, old Bihar of India, Buddhists were so ruthlessly oppressed by chauvinist Hindus and rival Mahayana sect of Buddhists that large numbers of Hinayana Buddhists had been compelled to flee eastward who ultimately found shelter in Arakan under the Chandra kings.” These Buddhist immigrants assumed the name Magh as they have migrated from Magadah. The term Magh suggests that the word is derived from Maghada, the country where the Buddha lived. That country is mentioned in the Arakanese Chronicles as the original residing place of the ancestors of the Arakanese kings who were the relatives of the Buddha. The Arakan kingdom(aka: Mrauk U kingdom) was a protectorate of the Bengal sultanate untill 1539 after which it quickly expanded militarily with the support of the Portuguese and Dutch slave-traders, and became a notorious centre of piracy and slave trades. The navy of the kingdom of Arakan or rather Magh sailors along with the Portuguese had plundered along the coast of Chittagong; as well as in the rivers of Bengal; and captured many Bengalis and sold them in the slave markets that were run by the Dutch East India Company, VOC in Batavia. Hence, for these scandalous activities in the past, the Arakanese were called Magh pirates by the people of Bengal. A hefty Mog population can still be found in the Chittagong division of Bangladesh as Chittagong was once a part of the Greater Arakanese kingdom, which also included present day Tripura. Gradually with time, the Magh kingdom lost a series of battles - against the Mughal Empire and the British East India company until it was finally fell to the invasion of the Burmese Empire in the 18th century.

Christians on the right path

Brasil Monarchic Clan Braganza Habsburg Orleans,

30 million supporters (majority of educated people) Appoiadores da Monarquia Constitucional em Minas Gerais. Você sabia que nós somos quase 30 milhões ? É verdade sim! O movimento monarquista do Brasil, tem mais gente do que a maioria dos países da Europa. Através de seu apoio e incentivo podemos mobilizar milhões de brasileiros pela causa monárquica no Brasil e no mundo. O Circulo Monárquico de Santos - José Bonifácio, existiu por mais de 30 anos na cidade de Santos, nunca antes como uma instituição jurídica constituída, teve suas atividades interrompidas por um longo período de tempo, pelo falecimento de muitos dos monarquistas da antiga geração. À partir do ano de 2018, uma nova geração de jovens monarquistas decidiram, e tomaram a iniciativa de reviver o Circulo Monárquico José Bonifácio com encontros monárquicos mensais. Desenvolvendo um projeto ousado e ambicioso de valorização da história, cidadania e cultura brasileira, para expansão do movimento monarquista em Santos e região. Através dos Encontros Monárquicos e das ferramentas de divulgação desenvolvidas, iremos expandir o movimento monarquista, e conscientizar a população brasileira para a importância da valorização e resgate da história da monarquia brasileira. Esta campanha vai durar até o próximo mês, para fazer uma doação acesse o link abaixo e clique nas opções. Também não se esqueca de compartilhar! ------>>>>>> Did you know we're almost 30 million? It's true, yes! The monarchist movement of Brazil, has more people than most countries in Europe. Through its support and encouragement we can mobilize millions of Brazilians for the monarchical cause in Brazil and in the world. The Monarchist Circle of Santos - José Bonifácio, existed for more than 30 years in the city of Santos, never before as a constituted legal institution, because the legislation of the Republic, at the time, did not allow monarchist institutions. It had its activities interrupted by a long period of time, by the death of many of the monarchists of the old generation. Starting in 2018, a new generation of young monarchists decided, and took the initiative to revive the Monarchist Circle José Bonifácio with monthly monarchic meetings. Developing a daring and ambitious project to valorize Brazilian history, citizenship and culture, to expand the monarchist movement in Santos and the region. Through the Monarchic Meetings and the dissimination tools developed, we will expand the monarchist movement and raise the awareness of the Brazilian population about the value and recovery of the history of the Brazilian monarchy. The houses of Bragança, Habsburg, and Orleans, founders of the Empire of Brazil, have generated for us Emperor Dom Pedro II, Princess Isabel, and Prince Gastão d'orleans, statesman leaders, who never again for more than a hundred years of scammers, we have seen Similar. Let's restore the Empire of Brazil! Long live the Emperor!

hope in sight re uncurable virus

do you have a rotted tanker?

Le Partisan1 heure en arrière L'Iran n'a pas besoin d'une guerre pour bloquer le détroit d'Ormuz, il lui suffit tout simplement de couler des dizaines de vieux rafiots et des vieux pétroliers sur tout l'étendue du chenal, et bloquer, ainsi, tout le transit d'hydrocarbure pendant des années et des années. L'Iran n'aura qu'à développer son pipeline avec la Syrie et elle aura la main-mise totale sur le marché du pétrole. Est-ce que les racistes sionisto-coloniaux occidentaux vont prendre ce risque ?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Church going

Allegedly, in France, people start going back to church

re banks. Do not watch in front of children!

Russian arms, versus US wheelbarrows.

re human trafficking

protect your children from rampant pedophilia


re Africa liberation

INDÉPENDANTISTE KABYLE@ @adherbal_mathos Le devoir de chaque kabyle, digne de ce nom, est de quitter cette doctrine arabe rétrograde et sanguinaire au plus vite. S’opposer aux pratiques arabo-islamistes en Kabylie c’est défendre l’honneur du peuple kabyle dont la démocratie, laïcité et liberté léguées par nos ancêtres.

re Monarchy in Brazil

Everybody does that they want, ignoring any form of internacional order

Brazil starting to operante like a normal country

sellers, buyers, intermediaries, passive beneficiaries re strategic assets, are guilty of breaking constitutional French law.

Huge cases are reaching justice at the moment These cases should include the pillage of companies in France, Germany, etc... via billions of dollars a month, of extra territorial US fines. counter fines need to be issued.

re Mercosul CPLP EU new economic space

ce drame concerne au .

syria immemorial and creation of Israel

ce drame concerne au premier chef les Syriens et Israel. Arabes et musulmans ne sont pas Syriens d 'origiine. Chaque camp doit devenir realiste pour mettre fin au carnage. Malgré la puissance de son réseau médiatique mondial, réseau qui lui a permis jusqu'ici de manipuler l'opinion publique occidentale et intimider les gouvernements, l'image d'Israël est en chute libre. Le journaliste homme de télévision Serge Moati l'a parfaitement résumé en déclarant : "Israël a perdu la sympathie et le soutien des nations." Et nous pourrions rajouter que si l'on peut tromper les peuples souvent, on ne peut les tromper tout le temps. Grâce à Internet, les citoyens peuvent découvrir tout ce que le puissant réseau médiatique sioniste leur cache. Aujourd'hui le monde sait que "la seule démocratie du Moyen Orient" n'est qu'une imposture raciste et criminelle et que "l'armée la plus morale du monde" est condamnée par plus de 200 résolutions de l'ONU pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité. Quand un régime traite comme des animaux ses propres citoyens et co-religionnaires falashas à cause de la couleur de leur peau, il n'est pas difficile de comprendre que le principe de "peuple élu" n'est qu'une façon de revendiquer le statut de "race supérieure blanche" des nazis. Où est la différence ? Israël n'a pas de futur et sa chute sera tragique car durant sa courte existence, il aura parsemé son parcours de crimes et d'injustices innombrables et innommables. Et même un Nuremberg du sionisme ne sera pas suffisant pour rendre justice aux millions de victimes chassées de leurs terres, de leurs maisons, sans oublier les assassinats génocidaires de populations civiles, de femmes, de vieillards, d'enfants. Les crimes d'Israël sont tellement nombreux, qu'en aucun cas les pays voisins, eux aussi victimes de guerres et de destructions, ne pourront pardonner et accepter en leur sein, un régime qui n'a rien à envier au nazisme. Israël est une effroyable erreur de l'Histoire et le sionisme sera son fossoyeur. Aucun crime ne reste impuni, jamais. Et Israël devrait le savoir car c'est une vérité biblique

Mercosul CPLP EU common market attacked from within with ferocity

Thursday, July 18, 2019

re cocaine bad boys

uninvited meddling by adventurers, in people way of life

fast food eiffel tower

re French state violence/ international justice

unpopular staff

Christine Lagarde, une Américaine à la tête de la BCE Américaine et mondialiste, donc fervente européiste, elle a passé sa vie à défendre les intérêts de l’Empire aux dépens de la France et des nations européennes. Comme tous ses prédécesseurs à la BCE, à la Commission européenne ou au Conseil de l’Europe : les Draghi, Barroso, Juncker, Tusk, etc. Il n’y a donc aucune raison de se réjouir de cette nomination, bien au contraire

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Brazil unsecurity

Wagner Hertzog Article I wrote, published in the newspaper the leaf of the southwest, newspaper biweekly de palmas, paraná The Disarmament Status, without a doubt, was one of the biggest misfortune for Brazil. He contributed to making society mostly vulnerable to crime and violence, and placed Brazil among the ten most violent countries in the world. As the political system - besides depraved and tyrannical - is blatantly autocratic and central, and has a positivist legal order of authoritarian and collectivist matrix, it does not recognize in any way, way or circumstance the sovereignty of the individual; therefore, it does not manifest Kind of empathy or respect for individual rights. Invariably, the state prefers to leave the population vulnerable than to accept reality, and to understand that banning citizens from exercising their inalienable right to self-defense is a form of violence. Always opting for centralisation, failure, neglect, negligence and systematic rejection of the Brazilian state towards reality imposes an aggressive and vertical condition of mandatory vulnerability to the whole population. The Senate recently resisted the President's decree to make flexibility - although the right thing would be to tear up - the Of course, they do not want the population to arm themselves, because an armed and dissatisfied society with the system could well overthrow the tyrants and psychopaths who are in power through an armed blaze. An unarmed society makes the state safer, because so the political class knows that a popular uprising becomes more unlikely. This is the only concern of stationary bandits, to remain in power. Political psychopaths show total indifference and contempt for the ordinary citizen, after all, they enjoy armed private security and have armored cars at their disposal. If the ordinary citizen is vulnerable and helpless, this is a great benefit, because society will be totally dependent on the state to have an illusion of security. And the state can always perpetuate its parasitic cycle, which consists basically of creating problems, to then offer the solution. Next, you can read the article in full. In Defense of civil weapons Recently, the Senate managed to overthrow the decree enacted by President Jair Bolsonaro, which made the possession of weapons for the Brazilian citizen more flexible. Logically, the worst thing that can happen in a country is the restriction of weapons to the population. This makes everything much worse in terms of both collective and individual security. First of all, bandits and criminals will always be armed. Restrictions affect only the ordinary citizen, who follows the laws and obeys the loyalist bureaucracy of the state, which is never a positive attitude; we have the obligation and moral duty to disobey lethal and notorious decrees - especially these, of a deleterious nature -, Which seeks to deprive the citizen of the inalienable right to defend his own life, and consequently, gives validity to a wide, sordid and nefarious project of democide. Banning the citizen from having weapons is institutionalize vulnerability, not security. As mentioned above, criminals do not obey laws, they are completely indifferent to the loyalist positivity of the state, and to everything that is printed on Bandits, offenders, evildoers, will acquire weapons to practice their crimes and misdemeanors, no matter the state forbid them from having weapons. What we cannot allow is the mandatory vulnerability of the ordinary citizen, deferred by those who should have the least respect for life rather than contempt. It is necessary to understand that disarm the population only benefits criminals. They know that they can rob, steal and kill at will, and they will find no resistance from the population, because the mandatory vulnerability of society benefits them. Armed citizens, on the other hand - in addition to the possibility of defending themselves, if they are attacked or threatened - inhibit the execution of crimes, because knowing that society is armed, criminal criminals, because confront armed citizens will endanger their lives. And although many people don't know that, criminals don't like to get shot. Banning or hinder the possession of weapons for ordinary citizens is an immoral, nefarious and criminal act. Something so unbelievably evil and abominable is simply unacceptable, even more from the evil and depraved bureaucrats of brasilia, who enjoy the protection of armored cars and armed security, privileges inaccessible to the ordinary citizen. We must never allow state bureaucrats to tell us what we can or cannot do. The totalitarian tyranny of the state can be contained only with properly armed citizens, protected and protected by the sacred right to fire weapons, to exercise their full right to self-Defense. Inhibiting, limiting or restricting society's access to firearms is a dangerous step towards totalitarianism. Possibly that is why state bureaucrats are trying so hard to restrict access to firearms to the population. Do not forget their madman desire for power and control, and fear that an armed population may challenge them, and take them out of power. In addition to personal security, and a fundamental resource to protect the home of intruders and criminals, civil weapons has this fundamental privilege: protecting society from totalitarianism of state. Venezuela became a dictatorship because - before the bolivarian regime consolidated itself as a tyrannical brutal and oppressive government -, the citizens were all previously unarmed, in a campaign very similar to the one we had here in Brazil, during the pt era, with The status of disarmament. On the pretext that this decreases the number of murders, which is a fallacy, governments with tyrannical claims disarm the population, before imposing their tyranny in an unrestricted way over society. Unarmed, the people have no way to defend themselves, nor will they be able to resist the unfettered advance of We must never allow state bureaucrats to impose rules unilaterally for society under no circumstances. We need to resist the slavery nefarious and tyrannical domination of political dictators They have no right to demand that the Brazilian citizen do not defend himself in the face of aggression and die like a lamb led to slaughter. Disarmament is genocide. Everyone has the right to self-Defense. It is a duty and a moral obligation of every correct man to disobey unjust laws, and which - above all - benefit only psychopaths, criminals, offenders and murderers, and on top of that we normalize the vulnerability of the It is time to tear, or rather, set fire to the country, criminal, totalitarian and genocidal status of disarmament.


EU political chaos

the Janus model

Russian arms versus US wheelbarrows

facing China

Axis CPLP, Lotharingia, Moskow, likely solution to dealing with China, becoming one of the two players of a multipolar world.

central banks: no known destination

institutions of the past

public support for loyal police

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Brazil moving in the right direction

blocks on US no belt road

new Quebec Kingdom?

Monday, July 15, 2019

re no human influence on climate change

Althstom scandal

Russia not involvef

Tweet Conversation Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom Democrats lied about Russia. Mueller lied about Russia. The destruction of Hillary Clinton wasn’t a Russian job. It was a DNC insider who witnessed Clinton’s corruption first hand against Bernie Sanders. He decided to expose Clinton and her corruption. His name was Seth Rich.

US terror

Sarah Abdallah @sahouraxo Hillary Clinton’s warmongering policies permanently separated millions of children from their parents & created millions more refugees in: Iraq Lebanon Palestine Honduras Libya Syria Ukraine Yemen

atmospheric manipulation

US loosing grip

new African currency

France in pieces

growing islamic apartheid in Europe
Guillaume de Longeville @gdelongeville Le Premier Ministre @EPhilippePM : - a 164 personnes dans son secrétariat - 60 cuisiniers/hôteliers - 38 personnes pour sa sécurité - 14 chauffeurs - 67 "conseillers" dont il refuse de publier noms et rémunérations... Dans un État surendetté et en faillite Translate Tweet "Je demande des efforts aux Français"... 14 chauffeurs, 60 cuisiniers et hôteliers : les chiffres... 7:50 AM · Jul 15, 2019 · Twitter for Android 3 Show more replies


Portugal place is with Brexit UK

Accéder à l’Accueil Condestável Conde de Ourém À Europa e muito especialmente a Portugal ir-nos - á fazer muita falta o Reino-Unido, nosso velho aliado com quem sempre contàmos na contenção de Espanha, França e até a Alemanha. Com eles abrimos as portas do Oriente (Bombaim) e com eles banimos a pena de morte e a escravidão. Foram sempre nossos promotores comerciais (Methueen) e os melhores na defesa dos valores democráticos (Magna Carta), de q foi excelsso exemplo a imposição da primeira Carta Constitucional (1820),contra o despostimo miguelista/carlista luso-espanhol. Tiveram connosco nas guerras mundiais e sempre nos respeitaram na emigração e descolonizaçâo. Com o mapa cor-de-rosa forçaram a República e a "Portuguesa". Na Índia abstiveram-se lacónicamente mas no Oriente foram parceiros em Macau/Hong-Kong. São os q mais nos visitam e sua presença se faz sentir na nossa economia. Sem eles o eixo Franco-alemão fortalece-se e Portugal será menor perante seu xenofobismo. Cuidem-se q virão tempos difíceis com o Brexit

Sunday, July 14, 2019

French General against rotted politicians

Bertrand Soubelet L'épisode François de Rugy est un soubresaut de plus dans la lente agonie du vieux système politique Français. Il est symptomatique de la maladie qui ronge la politique et que j'ai professionnellement observée depuis 30 ans dans les nombreuses affaires de malversations ou d'abus de biens sociaux mettant en cause des dizaines d'hommes et de femmes politiques. Dans le cas présent j'ai attendu quelques jours avant de réagir afin d'éviter les polémiques sur des faits qui ne seraient pas totalement confirmés. Or la décision de l'intéressé de rembourser les frais non conformes lors de réceptions à l'hôtel de Lassay est un aveu implicite. Quelles conclusions tirer de ce nouvel épisode sur le comportement de nos gouvernants? La première est que les Français font preuve d'une certaine résignation et en sont arrivés à un niveau de rejet de la politique jamais égalé. La deuxième nous fait prendre conscience que le mal est profond et que les discours de la plupart des hommes et des femmes politiques de tous bords sont en complet décalage avec leur comportement. Il est temps de mettre fin à ces dérives. Contrairement à certains je ne crois pas que l'on puisse accuser le système de dysfonctionner. Ce sont les hommes qui le pervertissent avec des comportements inadaptés. L'action politique et la conduite des affaires publiques exigent un comportement exemplaire et irréprochable. C'est cela que je propose de restaurer car on ne peut pas mettre en œuvre un projet de société cohérent si on ne pratique pas véritablement l'honnêteté, la droiture et la transparence adossées sur le sens du bien commun. En parler ne suffit pas. Il faut en être imprégné chaque seconde de sa vie. C'est tout le sens de mon engagement dans le combat politique. C'est cela que nous pouvons changer avec les Français déterminés à nous débarrasser des vieilles pratiques et à remettre notre pays dans une spirale positive pour tous. Je vous invite à me suivre sur ce chemin

hidden side of september 11

re monarchy in Brazil

ukraine, part of Russia

re terrorism

Keeping invading Africans

France: ongoing social chaos

churches holocaust

olden France

Cercle Saint-Louis, Roi de France « Sous le règne de Louis XVI, notre pays était la première puissance mondiale, en particulier dans le domaine maritime […] Le commerce extérieur était florissant, nous possédions les meilleures routes d’Europe, les paysans détenaient la propriété de plus de la moitié des terres, les taxes seigneuriales, dont on nous parle tant, étaient devenues symboliques. Les méthodes culturales se développaient, l’élevage bénéficiait de l’introduction de nouvelles races [...] la dîme prélevée par le clergé finançait les hôpitaux et les écoles. Quel est le poids aujourd’hui des prélèvements sociaux et du budget de l’éducation nationale ? Les corporations protégeaient artisans et ouvriers. La Révolution fit de tout cela table rase, elle réinventa la famine, elle retarda l’entrée de la France dans l’ère industrielle et cela au bénéfice de l’Angleterre. J’ai décidément d’autres anniversaires à fêter. » Alphonse II de jure Roi de France (1975 - 1989) (interrogé par Marc Dem sur les festivités organisées par la république pour le bicentenaire de la Révolution Française en 1989)


Williams Georges Manzanero a partagé un lien dans le groupe La France en colère - Carte des rassemblements. Toujours les armes pour tuer et armer les dictateurs pour dominer et exterminer des millions d'êtres humains soit des millions de cadavres et de migrants. Macron ou la démocratie de la Mort, Tuer pour régner avec la complicité de tous les politiques français et étrangers, merci à l'UE et l'ONU de laisser le monstre s'abreuver du sang de ses victimes, c'est devenu la démocratie mondiale. Les faiseurs de morts sont élus et les pacifistes sont abattus et le peuple lâche se tait, le peuple des moutons est endormi par les jeux, le foot, les médias achetés........Bravo la France Honte du Monde.

CPLP international

after West Indies Company, came more juniors.

Alexandre Coutinho "(...) the companies started with the merchant navy, the oldest being the " Lloyd register ", founded in Britain, in 1760. Others, similar are the ABS (American Bureau of shipping), the Bureau has veritase det norske veritas, among others. Today, classification companies have expanded their activities, acting in industrial plants, pipelines, railway lines, construction, and many other activities. Classification companies are technical certification entities. Although private, that is to say, they develop technical standards and procedures which, although voluntary, are not careless. These entities are called " classification " precisely because they " classify " the object of their standardisation and audit, according to the quality of the construction, their destination and the state of maintenance." Private certification agencies such as organic food, ecossustentável provenance of inputs, food and pharmacological safety, safety standards for process engineering, Accounting Audits Among other dozens of sectors are far more efficient and reliable than state regulatory agencies. They are not coercive, hire them who wants and consume the products or services they certified also who wants. While private corporate agencies have in their credibility their greatest asset, state agencies use force and violence to apply rules created by obscure interests. While an organic food certification can go bankrupt if it makes a bad or careless evaluation, nothing will happen to the corrupt bureaucrat of The same goes for private justice with their voluntarily hired arbitration courts and private armies. Your profitability and market share in a competitive market environment depends on your credibility and reputation. The corrupt state justice and the state armed forces are monopoly and can abuse corruption and violence because they are not judged by the free market, but by corregidors, also from the state itself, and as corrupt and criminal as they are.

CPLP progress

CPLP ambiantal

Saturday, July 13, 2019

British establishment giving up on themselves

French media under confiscation

on the cards: US implosion

dysfunctional French regime , black spot in Mercosul EU CPLP area.

it is complicated!

Alexandre Coutinho From weapons of ideological domain and psychosocial manipulation, a flame to attention for being almost unanimous: The appeal to patriotism States (agencies that hold the monopoly on the use of force and legislative production in a territorial jurisdiction) are formed by a consortium of political oligarchies, and other mafias that join this political-partisan base. Therefore, groups of interest are worth this management apparatus, law enforcement and legal looting (legalized plunder) to defend their interests to the detriment of the loss of the natural rights of others. Thus, distinct strategies are used to keep the masses in a position subservience to the mafia consortium that dominates them. It may be the exploration of fear and all the effects of warfare. Or the psychosocial dependency of wellfare. Or both, merged in distinct proportions. The strategy that will work better in the long term is the one that does not collides with central culture or mainstream perception. The more the masses identify with the goal of the state, the greater its membership of the predominant culture of the And vice versa The Essential Ruse of democracy is to believe that people with distinct "Weltanschaunng" can coexist peacefully and support the existence of a common 'greater': the state. But within the democratic spectrum, the mainstream has a strong tendency to maintain the [NATIONALIST ESTABLISHMENT] and to associate the concept of Homeland (Homeland, native language, culture, religion) to the concept of state. The appeal to patriotism is nothing more than the psychological appeal to the masses to defend an apparatus of coercion and spoliation, painted with the colors of nationalism. It is the appeal to the individual to sacrifice (Read: do not resist to looting and loyalist coercion) for the collective. "don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" The Socialist John Kennedy, the heir of a political oligarchy that lived from the spoliation of productive agents, said "(...) there are many and subtle ideological weapons that the state has handled through the centuries. One of these excellent weapons has been tradition. The longer the domain of a state has been preserved, the more powerful is this weapon; because in this way the dynasty x or the state y maintains the apparent weight of the tradition of the centuries as sustenance for its own existence [XVI]. the The ancestors then become a very subtle form of worship to the ancient rulers. The greatest danger to the state is independent intellectual criticism; there is no better way to stifle this criticism than to attack any isolated voice, anyone who raises new doubts, as being an unholy rapist of the wisdom of their ancestors " Murray N. Rothbard.


clean qgriculture

courageous Medics

Friday, July 12, 2019

family flees threat of children state kidnapping

bad atmosphere in thhe EU

wobbly democracia at MercEUsul CPLP Brazil superpower.,populacao-e-proibida-de-acompanhar-votacao-no-plenario-da-camara,70002916668?fbclid=IwAR0XVOKShf1WywgpWJgzAcnbwWoF_0bp6UzaDJtq3okt6d9zZdAmfXjdhzY

Thursday, July 11, 2019

re Prince of Brazil

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

real democracy needed everywhere, as in Island

Wagner Hertzog Uno de los grandes problemas de la política es que hace que la gente sea completamente incapaz de ver la realidad de la manera en que realmente se presenta Las personas involucradas en el escenario político de cualquier nación se dividen en ideologías y sectas partidistas únicamente con el propósito de confundir, dividir y conquistar. La enorme multiplicidad de siglas forma parte de un disimulado esquema de Ingeniería Social, creado deliberadamente para tergiversar la realidad objetiva, con programas ideológicos que buscan distorsionar los valores y las urgencias más fundamentales para el mantenimiento de la existencia humana. La verdad es que el estado no tiene ideología, la ideología del estado es el robo. El robo y el asalto institucionalizado El "Estado democrático de derecho" no es más que una prisión legalista, una forma sutil y suave de totalitarismo. El negocio de todos los individuos que componen la burocracia estatal es mantener a la sociedad productiva trabajando, para posteriormente - a través de los numerosos artificios legalistas que el bandido estacionario crea para beneficiara -, repartir el botín; en la práctica, el resultado de todo aquello Que fuera previamente confiscado de la población económicamente activa. El voto, el sufragio universal, la democracia, todos los elementos que componen la estructura estatal sirven para dar a la población la ilusión de que está en control. La mayoría de las personas, de 4 EN 4 AÑOS, realmente va a votar, porque cree en el cuento de hadas difundido por la falaz y ilusoria doctrina estatal, de que apretando un botoncito en una maquinita, ellas lograrán cambiar sus vidas. Lysander Spooner alguna vez habló, muy apropiadamente, que." un hombre no es menos esclavo porque está autorizado a elegir un nuevo maestro de vez en cuando." El "orden constitucional" es una farsa disciplinada para proteger los intereses de las poderosas oligarquías políticas que controlan el sistema, contra toda posibilidad de sublevación de la mayoría esclavizada.

Bill Gates. Harward talk.

saying goodbye to state education, in France

wickileaks news

new Africa common market

Brazil Hollandes back to the Netherlands?

Within the quasi one billion people strong new MercEUsul CPLP community, local anomalies are going to need stretching out. Savoy is not in France, neither is Brazil Hollandes in Brazil. Brazil Nordeste was sold by Netherlands Prime Minister to Portugueses, or Jews; (not clear who founded Brazil). International civil law does not seem to tolerate selling a territory and a population without residents consensus. This kind of geopolitical machinations were hiding under the radar, within desorderly local governance. But it would look out of place within the now largest and most powerful community in the world. Lawyers are sharpening their knives.

re what Islam is about

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

more plastic than fish

More than eight million tonnes of plastic is thrown away each year and washed out to sea. By 2050, the plastic in the world's oceans will weigh more than all the fish, according to The Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

why no reaction of the British establishment???

permanence of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire to this day

Droit civil international: At some stage, the issue needs to be adressed. Of the seven Sovereign families who founded the HRG Empire, six owed their status to their territorial sovereignty, and one, the Brabant Lothringen, House of Reginar, agnatic brother line of the Carolingians, stemming from ancient Imperial Roman Clan, and later Palace Mayors of the Merovingians, owned their position as Personal status, due to their historical preeminence. The House of Reginar Brabant Lothringen has a solid agnatic batallion today: von Hessen, von Salm, Mountbatten, Paats, van Dijck, van den Bosch, van Wassenaar, von Habsburg Hoenberg, Blount, van Teylingen Brederode, van Heemskerk, etc... They are, through daughters marriages, the ancestors of all Western Royalty. As long as the Reginar clan exists, the HRG Empire, most likely, as well.

think "local*

What is needed is a way to prioritise locally made or makable, in order to fight pollution and unnecessary use of finite natural resources, petrol, etc...

new ISO comittee against waste

Monday, July 8, 2019

no 5G in Japan

Apparently, the gov refuses to damage citizen s health

new gov trend in France

France gives the impression to be governed by a network of marane Berbers dispatched by mossad.

re imposture in France and Savoy

Sunday, July 7, 2019

did you steal the 21 trillions?

largest French scandal in history

Island: model of democratic gov system

re French establishment, the Brazilian way!

young people; mental destruction

France: piling up arms,

Putin declared that 90% of terrorist acts are performed by secret services

Saturday, July 6, 2019

marxiism destroying westerrn infrastructure

collectif assistence during civil war in France

Friday, July 5, 2019

new car, fuel free

re France illegitime gov

Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, la France n'est plus un Etat de Droit. 15 de julio de 2018 · Personalizado Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, la France n'est plus un Etat de Droit. En effet, le lundi 5 décembre 2016, Manuel Valls alors 1er ministre a décreté la création de l'inspection générale de la Justice plaçant l'autorité judiciaire, l'un des trois fondements de la République (avec le pouvoir exécutif et le pouvoir législatif) sous le contrôle direct du ministre de la justice et donc sous le contrôle du pouvoir exécutif. Ceci constituant une violation flagrante de la Constitution et de la Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789. François Hollande, alors président de la république, pourtant garant de la Constitution, ne s'est pas opposé à ce décret. Le Conseil Constitutionnel et le Conseil d'Etat n'ont pas jugé utile non plus de s'y opposer. Techniquement, ces choses-là sont assez simple à comprendre par tout un chacun. Le préambule de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 qui a donné naissance à la Ve république fait référence à la Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen du 26 août 1789. L'éventualité de la violation de la Constitution ayant été envisagée comme étant possible par les fondateurs de cette déclaration, ceux-ci avaient énoncé en son article 16 que : « Toute société dans laquelle la garantie des Droits n'est pas assurée, ni la séparation des Pouvoirs déterminée, n'a point de Constitution ». Le décret Valls n° 2016-1675 est paru au Journal Officiel le 6 décembre 2016 pour une entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2017. Le trio François Hollande, Manuel Valls, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, a fait voler en éclat la Concorde Légale Nationale. Aussi impensable que cela puisse paraître, la France n'a plus de Constitution depuis le 1er janvier 2017. A compter de cette même date, la Ve République Française est abolie de fait. Conséquences directes : - L'élection présidentielle du 7 mai 2017 est hors-la-loi et constitue une imposture. - L'actuel locataire de l'Elysée est illégitime. - La photo officielle d'Emmanuel Macron est une preuve de l'usurpation de la fonction présidentielle au regard de la violation de la Constitution. - La nomination d'Edouard Philippe à Matignon est illégale. - L'actuel locataire de Matignon et l'ensemble du gouvernement sont illégitimes. - L'élection législative du 18 juin 2017 est illégale. - Tous les députés siégeant actuellement à l'Assemblée Nationale sont illégitimes. - Le renouvellement du 24 septembre 2017 de la moitié des membres du Sénat est illégal. - Les Sénateurs élus ou réélus depuis cette date sont illégitimes. - Toutes les lois, les ordonnances et les décrets adoptés et publiés au Journal Officiel depuis le 1er janvier 2017 sont illégales.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

French crime against humanity

physik quantik

Don t miss the end

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

France need to claim compensation re UE devastating effect

Monday, July 1, 2019

une Europe sans l'Europe

US military domination, in doubt

creators of chaos

bobos idiots threatened