Wednesday, August 7, 2019

CIA, father of EU

The Great Brexit Debate
EXCLUSIVE! - All Major UK Political Parties SECRETLY Joined the Action Committee for a United States of Europe.
In this extraordinary clip, Professor Alan Sked claims there is historical evidence that the Conservative Party, the Liberals and the Labour Party all secretly joined the Action Committee for a United States of Europe (ACUSE). The Conservative party apparently paid a considerable sum in the 1960s to join.
The ACUSE was setup by one of the chief architects of the European Union, Jean Monnet in 1955. Alan Sked says that it was funded by the CIA with the eventual objective being that the EU and the USA would become part of a Global Government.
I think you will agree…this is quite extraordinary, footage. I can’t corroborate it, not having been to Switzerland to read these archives but I think coming from a History Professor at the London School of Economics its worthy of some attention. It’s well documented that Monnet did set up the ACUSE and there have been other mentions in mainstream media of a CIA connection. But historians disagree about many of the motives behind the original construction of the European Union.

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